Legislative Tracking Reports Library


Exclusive to the AAVSB’s Member Boards, this site is your new tool for staying in-the-know on current legislative, regulatory, and board activity specific to veterinary medicine and pharmacy regulation in the U.S. and Canada.

AABP Guideline for Credentialed Veterinary Technicians in Bovine Practice

The American Association for Bovine Practitioners releases guidelines to provide guidance on how veterinarians can broaden the delegation of tasks to credentialed veterinary technicians under a valid VCPR. Learn more here.

Do you have a question, comment, or something you’d like to share on this site?

We welcome ongoing feedback to increase the usability of our report formats to meet your needs, and please provide any update you’d like to share with your fellow Member Boards in next month’s report at memberservices@aavsb.org.

Your AAVSB Member Services Staff