Conventional Report July 2023

This report shares short summary highlights of tracked legislative bills and rules & regulations that have seen activity in July 2023, as well as available board and state VMA updates.

The Table of Contents below is your clickable guide through this conventional monthly report. To see the report sorted by jurisdiction for a quick view, please visit  July 2023 Updates by Jurisdiction.

Table of Contents

1. Legislative Activity

There are 12 passed bills, 6 introduced bills, 3 cross-overs, 5 bills with significant action, and 4 dead bills.

1.1 Passed

There are 12 passed bills.

Pet Insurance

DE HB156 Model Pet Insurance Act. 

NH HB249 Model Pet Insurance Act. 


DE SB189 schedules Xylazine as a schedule III and allows xylazine testing strips to be distributed. 

NC H190 adds Gabapentin to Controlled Substance Reporting System (CSRS). Requires dispensers to report prescriptions for gabapentin to the CSRS. Provides an effective date of January 1, 2024, except the portion impacting veterinarians would become effective January 1, 2025. The Department reports that this does not make Gabapentin a controlled substance, but it is necessary so that prescribers who are prescribing controlled substances can see when patients are receiving gabapentin.

State Boards and Appropriations

NH SB107 Adds the following stipulation to the Board: The public member shall be a resident of the state of New Hampshire who is not, and never has been, a member of the veterinary profession or the spouse of any such person.  The public member shall not have, and shall never have had, a material financial interest in either the provision of veterinary services or an activity directly related to veterinary practice, including the representation of the Board or its predecessor or the profession for a fee at any time during the 5 years preceding the date of appointment. 

Repeals stipulations. 

RI H5200 Of the general revenue amount, $50,000 is appropriated to the Conservation Districts and $100,000 is appropriated to the Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Rhode Island for a veterinarian at the Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island. 

WI SB70 appropriates to the Veterinary examining board (2023-2024) $397,500 and (2024-2025) $396,300.  

Veterinary – Client Advisement

NY A06996 amends Buoy’s law to limit it to only initial and only to dogs, cats, and rabbits. Delays the effective date from 180 days to 18 months. The information must be communicated orally or in written format. 

Veterinary – Facilities

NC S582 At least one week prior to conducting any inspection pursuant to g.s. 90-185(3) or g.s. 90-186(2), the Board shall provide written notice of the upcoming inspection to the veterinarian. 

Veterinary – Licensing

VT H0305 increasing licensures fees for veterinarians. 

Veterinary – Telemedicine

Veterinary – Telemedicine

DE SB168 § 3303A. Veterinarian-client-patient relationship. 

(a) For a veterinarian to practice veterinary medicine, a veterinarian-client-patient relationship must be established and maintained. Except as provided under subsection (b) of this section, a veterinarian-client-patient relationship is established and maintained if all of the following are met:   
              (1) The veterinarian has assumed the responsibility for making medical judgments regarding the health of the patient
                    and the client has agreed to follow the veterinarian’s instructions.
             (2) The veterinarian has sufficient knowledge of the patient to initiate at least a general or preliminary diagnosis of the
                   medical condition of the patient. This means that the veterinarian is personally acquainted with the keeping and care
                   of the patient by virtue of a timely examination of the patient, or medically appropriate and timely visits to the
                   operation where the patient is managed.
              (3) The veterinarian is readily available for follow-up evaluation or has arranged for the following: veterinary emergency
                   coverage and continuing care and treatment.
              (4) The veterinarian provides oversite of treatment, compliance, and outcome. 
              (5) Patient records are maintained. 

(b) In operations where there are several animals, such as shelters, farms, laboratories, or zoos, the veterinarian-client-patient requirement may be established and maintained by one of the following:   
              (1) Examination of health, laboratory, or production records. 
              (2) Consultation with owners, managers, directors, caretakers, or other supervisory staff who oversee the health care
                   management of the operation.
              (3) Maintenance of information regarding the local epidemiology of diseases for the appropriate species. 


Veterinary Technician – General

NC S135 No person shall use the title “registered veterinary technician” or the title “veterinary technician,” the abbreviation “R.V.T.,” or any other words, letters, or symbols, with the intent to represent that the person is authorized to act as a registered veterinary technician unless that person is licensed by or registered with the Board as a registered veterinary technician in accordance with this Article. 

1.2 Introduced

There are 6 introduced bills.

Animal Welfare

PA SB785 establishes the Animal Welfare Board and specifies powers and duties, including making recommendations for legislative and regulatory change. 


US HR4012 To repeal the guidance titled ‘‘CVM GFI #263 Recommendations for Sponsors of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs Approved for Use in Animals to Voluntarily Bring Under Veterinary Oversight All Products That Continue to be Available Over-the-Counter’’. 


WI AB332 The bill repeals the various profession-specific reciprocal credential provisions described above and expands who may apply for reciprocal credentials under the universal provision to include all individuals, and not only service members and spouses. Also eliminates the requirement that the applicant reside in this state. The bill provides that once an individual applies for a reciprocal credential, the credential is considered to be provisionally granted on that date, and the individual may immediately practice the occupation or profession, subject to the ultimate decision on whether to grant or deny the reciprocal credential. 


MI HB4849

(1) A research facility shall not use a dog or cat for experimental purposes in a manner that causes pain or distress to the dog or cat. 

(2) For purposes of this section, the use of a dog or cat for experimental purposes causes pain or distress to the dog or cat in any of the following circumstances: 
           (a) The experimental purpose would, if conducted, be reportable to the United States Department of Agriculture under 9
                CFR 2.36(b)(6) or (7).
           (b) The experimental purpose may cause death, injury, fear, or trauma to the dog or cat. 
           (c) The experimental purpose involves an invasive procedure, including, but not limited to, penetrating the body, cutting
                body parts, performing surgery or surgical procedures, implanting a medical device, or administering an
                experimental agent or drug.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply under either of the following circumstances: 
           (a) If an owner of a dog or cat consents to the use of the owner’s dog or cat in veterinary training or veterinary
                 clinical research involving the treatment of an existing disease or ailment.
           (b) The spaying or neutering of a dog or cat by a veterinarian or veterinary student or other training or medical
                 procedures commonly performed by a veterinarian or veterinary student for the treatment of a dog or cat. As used
                 in this subdivision, “veterinary student” means a student enrolled in a school of veterinary medicine.


Veterinary – Declaw/Ear/Tail/Devocalization

MI HB4883 bans declawing except when necessary to address a therapeutic purpose. 


Veterinary – Loan Repayment/Shortages

US HR355 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for an exclusion for assistance provided to participants in certain veterinary student loan repayment or forgiveness programs. 

1.3 Crossed Over

There are 3 cross-over bills.

Pet Insurance

NJ A4942 Pet Insurance Act 


CA ACR86 Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Veterinary Medical Board, with support from the Governor, other state boards and agencies, and interested stakeholders, encourages out-of-state licensed veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians to become licensed in California to perform the necessary spay and neuter surgeries and other medical services in order to address pet overpopulation; and be it further 

Resolved, That the state and local municipalities, in cooperation with public and private shelters, nonprofit rescue organizations, and private foundations, are encouraged to develop and fund high-volume spay and neuter clinics across the state to provide sterilization services; and be it further 

Resolved, That allocation of adequate funding for statewide spay and neuter programs and resources for broader enforcement of state and local licensing, breeding, and spay and neuter laws is urgently needed; and be it further 

Resolved, That the State of California is encouraged to conduct a public relations campaign urging Californians to adopt shelter animals rather than buying an animal from a breeder, and to always spay and neuter them; 


CA SB373 The Veterinary Medical Board shall not disclose on the internet the full address of record of their licensees and registrants. However, the board shall disclose the city, state, county, and ZIP Code of the address of record for its licensees and registrants. This subdivision shall not apply to secondary documents linked to the board’s internet website which may contain an address of record. 

1.4 Significant Action

There are 5 hearings.


NJ A4087/ NJ S2464 clarifies that veterinarians are NOT within the ambit of telemedicine. Amended 06/26: The Senate amendments remove a section of the bill that would have revised the definition of “health care provider” as used in the State telemedicine and telehealth laws, to exclude veterinarians from that definition. The Senate amendments revise a provision of current law providing that rules and regulations implementing the telemedicine and telehealth laws may not require an initial in-person visit with a patient as a condition of providing services using telemedicine or telehealth, to provide that this language will not apply to rules and regulations adopted by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. 


WI SB135 expands the statutes requiring reciprocal credentials for military and spouses to include all people. Senate Amendment 1 

Veterinary Technician

CA SB816 removes this language…(c)The board shall not issue a veterinary assistant controlled substance permit to any applicant with a state or federal felony controlled substance conviction. 

1.4 Dead

There are 4 dead bills.


OR SB559 requires veterinarians to participate in a prescription drug monitoring program. 

OR SB746 A licensee who is authorized to use telehealth, telemedicine, telepharmacy, or similar electronic health care services delivery methods may not be required by the health professional regulatory board regulating the licensee to have a physical address in this state in order to be eligible for authorization to practice the health profession regulated by the health professional regulatory board. 


State Boards

WI AB43 appropriates to the veterinary examining board 2023-2024 $397,500 and 2024-2025 $396,300. 


OR HB2652 authorizes the county to declare a shortage of health care and human services personnel and apply to Oregon Health Authority for moneys to make grants to employers to alleviate the shortage by offering certain benefits to potential workers and educators. 

(2)(a) Health care and human services personnel eligible for benefits under this section may be, or be studying to qualify as, any of the following practitioners: 
(N) Veterinarians and veterinary technicians. 
(Q) Pharmacists


2. Rules & Regulations Activity

Rules and Regulation changes that have taken effect. 

Adopted Rules

Department of Agriculture and Forestry Board of Veterinary Medicine  

Licensing Procedures (LAC 46:LXXXV.301, 801, and 1201)  

In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:953 et seq., the Louisiana Board (“Board”) of Veterinary Medicine has amended LAC 46:LXXXV. Sections 301, 801, and 1201 in Chapters 3, 8, and 12, respectively, to remove the letters of recommendation licensure requirement for DVM, RVT, and CAET applicants. The board determined that there is no empirical data to indicate that a letter of recommendation has ever been used to deny licensure. With numerous veterinary boards across the country taking similar steps to streamline the application for licensure process, removing this requirement allows the board to remove additional barriers to the timely processing of applications and the issuance of licenses. This rule is adopted for applications submitted on or after July 1, 2024.  

Interested parties may submit written comments to the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine, Attention: Jared B. Granier, Executive Director, via U.S Mail at 5825 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 or via e-mail attachment to or via hand delivery. Comments will be accepted until 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.  

Full language found on pg. 1145 
Louisiana Register Vol. 49, No. 6 June 20, 2023

3. Board Watch

Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners meeting minutes June 8, 2023 

Regulations changes re: NAVLE and VTNE approval  

Ms. Bowman reviewed the current processes required by the board in regulation that require board preapproval to sit for the exam. She mentioned that most boards have eliminated this step since it doesn’t add value and creates delays.  

The board discussed the regulation changes proposed by staff. Dr. Geiger agreed that preapproval to sit for the exam doesn’t add value to the process and wastes board, staff, and applicant time. Dr. Vollaro and Dr. Albert agreed.  

Motion by Geiger to amend 12 AAC 68.010, 12 AAC 68.030, and any other regulations necessary to authorize the International Council for Veterinary Assessment to approve candidates to sit for the NAVLE. Seconded by Vollaro. Unanimously approved.  

Motion by Geiger to amend 12 AAC 68.315 and any other regulations necessary to authorize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards to approve candidates to sit for the VTNE. Seconded by Vollaro. Unanimously approved.  

Regulations changes re: PDMP/HB56  

The board discussed changes required to comply with the changes in HB 56 removing veterinarians from the PDMP and adding the PAVE pathway for licensure.  

Motion by Geiger to amend regulations to conform with HB 56, including 12 AAC 68.930 and 12 AAC.68.935 regarding the controlled substance prescription database and 12 AAC 68.010, 12 AAC 68.035, 12 AAC 68.041, 12 AAC 68.045, and 12 AAC 68.046 regarding adding the PAVE pathway—in addition to any other areas of regulation consistent with this goal. Seconded by Vollaro. Unanimously approved.  

Ms. Osborne and Ms. Chambers explained that while regulations may be in conflict with statute for a period of time, the statutory requirements will be in effect the day after the governor signs the bill. There should be no substantial concern about accepting PAVE applicants at that point, and there will be no expectation that veterinarians will register or use the controlled substance prescription database then, as well. Ms. Bowman mentioned that staff was already working with the PDMP software vendor to turn off veterinarian access the day the bill becomes law.  


Presenters: Joan Wilson, DCCED, Division Director, Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office; Rob Carter, DNR, Division of Agriculture, Industrial Hemp Program  

Director Wilson provided an overview of the differences between industrial hemp and marijuana, including how these differences relate to CBD. Rob Carter indicated that he is the leader of the state’s Industrial Hemp Program (IHP), which is currently promulgating regulations affecting the program.  

Mr. Carter stated all CBD products sold in Alaska should show evidence that they comply with and have been tested according to the standards of the program. He recommended that Alaska veterinarians utilize Alaska-endorsed products if they plan to use them in their practice. Sales of CBD products by Alaska veterinarians require additional permits from the Division of Agriculture. The FDA has not approved any CBD products for veterinary use at this time, and very few for human consumption; this is why they are termed “wellness” products and not medicine.  

The IHP can’t say what may happen to a DEA license if using CBD because it is outside of their purview. CBD products that are associated with higher THC are also regulated by AMCO and are only sold in authorized AMCO retailers. If a veterinarian was selling/dispensing and not simply applying/administering CBD, the veterinarian would need to be registered as a retailer with the appropriate agency (IHP or AMCO). It’s important to pay attention to the IHP endorsement to safeguard patients.  

Mr. Carter felt there isn’t enough scientific literature to determine safe dosing in animals. In the meantime, he recommends starting with the lowest concentration, tracking effects, and making adjustments. This is a new space, with regulation and safety data and experiences just emerging. Most information is anecdotal.  

Questions from the board to Mr. Carter and Director Wilson: 
Q: If a vet obtains CBD from outside Alaska and resells it, must they be a registered IHP retailer? A: Yes.  

Q: How does a vet ensure the CBD product being sold or used in clinical practice is endorsed by the IHP? 
A: The vet needs to contact the IHP to ensure it meets Alaska standards.  

Q: How would a vet identify endorsed products? 
A: The current list of endorsed products is on the IHP website and can be checked anytime.  

Q: Is there an emblem on the product that would identify an endorsed product? A: No, the list is available online.  

Q: If a vet applies CBD to a patient but does not charge for it, does the vet need to be a registered retailer? 
A: No, but the product does need to be registered with the Alaska IHP.  

Q: How is the COA determined to be safe for animals? 
A: IHP regulates industrial hemp, but not other ingredients that may be harmful to animals, such as xylitol or allium derivative. IHP tests for cannabinoids, terpenes, heavy metals, toxins, solvents, and other related ingredients.  

Q: What can we do as a board to help protect the health, safety, and welfare of animals in this space? 
A: It may be best to recommend use of an isolate or distillate that is not combined with other ingredients. Vets must do their due diligence in a space that does not provide a great deal of clarity. Obtain proper endorsements and permissions from the IHP. Take care that the use of CBD by the vet or client doesn’t conflict with medications prescribed. Ensure the client discloses the use of CBD on the patient. 


Joint Stakeholder Meeting – Opioid Guidelines – July 17, 2023 

The Colorado State Board of Pharmacy, Colorado Dental Board, Colorado Medical Board, Colorado State Board of Nursing, Colorado State Board of Optometry, Colorado Podiatry Board, and Colorado State Board of Veterinary Medicine held a virtual Stakeholder Meeting on July 17, 2023, for stakeholders to provide feedback regarding Colorado’s Guidelines for the Safe Prescribing and Dispensing of Opioids as these guidelines relate to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) updated Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain. 

Regional Reciprocity: 
Dr. DelVento reports that with regard to the reciprocity agreement between the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia; both Maryland and Virginia have agreed.  

According to this agreement, all health professional licensees who are licensed in Maryland and/or Virginia will be entitled to a DC license as well.  

Motion: Board moves forward to approve the reciprocity of licenses between DC, Maryland, and Virginia.  

Board Membership Legislation:  

▪ Councilmembers Henderson and Parker introduced the Health Professional Licensing Boards Residency Requirement Amendment Act of 2023 (B25-0312) on June 2, 2023.  

o This legislation would permit non-District residents to serve on health professional licensing boards.  

o There would be restrictions, including that the Board Chair and Consumer Members would continue to need to be District residents and no more than 50% of the Board could be made up of non-District residents. 

o This bill received a hearing on July 13, 2023. DC Health testified during this hearing and expressed support for the need for innovative solutions to fill board vacancies and offered some changes to the bill.  

Federal Spouse Licensure:  

▪ Congress has recently passed legislation to reduce barriers for military spouses to gain licensure in new jurisdictions. This legislation, the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022 (H.R. 7939), went into effect on January 5th, 2023.  

o This new law intends to ensure that military spouses with professional licensure in good standing in other states can practice in new states where their spouses are relocated.  

▪ The Office of Health Professional Licensing Boards and the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) are working to establish a process by which military spouses could attain privileges to practice in the District  

Race Standards: New standards have been recommended by the RACE Committee and approved by the AAVSB Board of Directors. The standards will be effective and available on the AAVSB website on July 1, 2023, for all programs, both new and renewals. A Town Hall for RACE Providers will be held on June 21 to help answer any questions regarding the revised standards.  

AAVSB Survey to Veterinary Professionals  

For the last 18 months, the AAVSB has collaborated with a range of experts, including regulators, professional veterinary and veterinary technician associations, academics, private practice representatives, state governments, and psychometricians. Together, they have developed a  

comprehensive survey to assess tasks within the veterinary team and the potential and interest for delegation of those tasks. This survey will be distributed to a portion of veterinarians and credentialed veterinary technicians throughout North America.  


The new Veterinary Technician and Euthanasia Technicians regulations became effective Friday, August 6, 2021. At this time, the DC Department of Health will not be issuing registrations until the process is in place.  

The Department of Health is currently creating the platform by which individuals can submit an application for registration as either a Veterinary Technician or a Veterinary Euthanasia Technician. Once the platform is available, there will be a grace period for which individuals will need to come into full compliance.  

Idaho Board of Veterinary Medicine 07/20/23 Agenda  
Rulemaking Activity 

Consistent with the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-01: Zero-Based Regulation, DOPL will be reviewing each rule at a minimum every five (5) years.  

24.38.01, Rules of the State of Idaho Board of Veterinary Medicine 

2023-01  ~  LAC 46LXXXV.301.801.1201 – Repeal of Letters of Reference Requirement for Applications. 

  • 07-11-2023     Deadline for submission of written comments to Board.*See instructions for submitting comments in Notice of Intent. Written comments will only be accepted from 6/21 to 7/11. 
  • XX-XX-XXX     NO PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED — * As there were no requests for a public hearing in accordance with §953.A(2)(b)(i), the Board will NOT hold a public hearing and will move forward with the rulemaking process. 
  • 07-12-2023     Summary Report submitted to Senate and House Legislative Oversight Committees on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development. 

2022-03  ~  LAC 46LXXXV.100.105 – Petition for Rule Modification 



 2023 – 2024 Regulatory Agenda 


AGENCY NAME: Department of Professional & Financial Regulation, Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation, State Board of Veterinary Medicine 

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE AGENCY RULEMAKING LIAISON: Kristin Racine, OPOR Staff Attorney, 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333, 207-624-8615,  


EXPECTED 2023-2024 RULE-MAKING ACTIVITY: Review and update current rules on licensure for credentialed individuals from other jurisdictions to implement P.L. 2021, c. 167 and P.L. 2021, c. 642. Review and update current rules to discontinue the use of the terms “handicap,” “handicapped” and “hearing impaired” pursuant to P.L. 2021, c. 348.  Adopt new rules to implement P.L. 2021, c. 291 governing telehealth services within the scope of practice of the licensee’s license.  Telehealth rules shall establish standards of practice and appropriate restrictions for the various types and forms of telehealth services.  The Board may review and amend for updates and compliance with current law the licensing requirements for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and veterinary relief service, continuing professional education, rules concerning misconduct and the treatment or care of animals, fraud, advertising, standards of competency, treatment records, recordkeeping, practice standards, sanitation and safety standards for the operation of veterinary hospitals, associations with other veterinarians, and unprofessional conduct.  Continuing education may be subject to updates in keeping with practice development and methods of education delivery. 

CHAPTER 1: Definitions and Advisory Rulings 

STATUTORY BASIS: 5 M.R.S. § 9001(4); 32 M.R.S. §§ 4859(1) and (3) 

PURPOSE: This chapter defines terms used throughout the Board’s rules and describes the Board’s procedures for issuance of advisory rulings.  The Board may review this chapter for conformance with current statutes and make changes as needed. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 

AFFECTED PARTIES: Licensees and members of the public. 


CHAPTER 2: Licensure Requirements for Veterinarians and Permit for Performance of Relief Veterinary Service  

STATUTORY BASIS: 32 M.R.S. §§ 4859(1), 4861(4)  

PURPOSE: This chapter sets forth requirements for the issuance of a license to practice veterinary medicine and permits for the performance of relief veterinary service including: application, education, experience, and references.  The Board may review this chapter for conformance with current statutes and make changes as needed.  The section on temporary permits will be repealed to conform to newly enacted law. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 

AFFECTED PARTIES: Applicants for licensure. 


CHAPTER 3: Registration Requirements for Veterinary Technicians  

STATUTORY BASIS: 32 M.R.S. § 4859(6)  

PURPOSE: This chapter establishes registration requirements and procedures for veterinary technicians.  The Board may review this chapter for conformance with current statutes and make changes as needed. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 

AFFECTED PARTIES: Applicants for licensure. 


CHAPTER 4: Continuing Professional Education for Veterinarians 

STATUTORY BASIS: 32 M.R.S. §§ 4859, 4878(3) 

PURPOSE: This chapter establishes requirements for continuing professional education for license renewal and the manner in which sponsored continuing education courses and programs are considered for approval.  The Board may amend this chapter to conform to rules adopted by the Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation on substantiation of continuing education by licensed practitioners.  Rule amendment for implementation of P.L. 2017, c. 360 requiring a veterinarian to complete one hour of continuing education every two years on the administration, prescription, and management of controlled substances, including benzodiazepine and opioid medications. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 



CHAPTER 5: Standards for Veterinary Practice Facilities and Record-Keeping 

STATUTORY BASIS: 32 M.R.S. § 4859(3)  

PURPOSE: This chapter establishes appropriate safety, sanitation, and procedural guidelines for veterinarians and veterinary clinic operations.  The Board may review this chapter for conformance with current statutes and to improve the manner in which veterinary clinics operate within the Board’s statutory authority and recordkeeping. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 

AFFECTED PARTIES: Licensees and members of the public. 


CHAPTER 6: Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures  

STATUTORY BASIS: 32 M.R.S. § 4859(3)  

PURPOSE: This chapter sets forth enforcement and disciplinary procedures used by the Board.  The Board may review this chapter for conformance with current statutes and make changes as needed. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 

AFFECTED PARTIES: Licensees and members of the public. 


CHAPTER 7: Code of Ethics  

STATUTORY BASIS: 32 M.R.S. §§ 4859(2) and (3), 4864(11)  

PURPOSE: This chapter establishes professional practice standards for the practice of veterinary medicine.  The Board may review this chapter and make changes to reflect current practice expectations for the protection of the public being served. 

SCHEDULE FOR ADOPTION: Within one year, if necessary. 

AFFECTED PARTIES: Licensees and members of the public.   


Minutes of the Meeting of the New York State Board for Veterinary Medicine Friday, June 16, 2022 

Update from the VCPR Workgroup:  

Dr. Thompson presented the report of the workgroup as presented in writing to the board and posted with the agenda on the website. The workgroup proposes an amendment to the Department’s veterinary medicine guidance document concerning the VCPR as stated in the report. After discussion, a motion is made to accept the revision and add it to the Department’s guidance. The motion is approved with Dr. Zoyhofski opposed.  


Veterinary Medicine and Social Work: 
There are veterinarians who have reportedly hired social workers for bereavement and other counseling for pet owners in their practice. Veterinarians may not employ other licensed professionals except for other veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Veterinarians are not qualified to supervise social workers or other licensed professionals.  

Specialty Titles: 
If a veterinarian wants to establish a practice with a specialty designation in the title, they need to present an AVMA specialty board certification. Questions have been asked about veterinarians’ advertising of specialty expertise. The Board has asked for an opinion from Counsel.  

International Veterinary Graduates and Vet Tech Licensure : 
The Board reviewed policy concerning the application of internationally trained veterinarians for licensure as veterinary technicians. The Board agreed that such veterinarians may be licensed as VTs if their education is substantially equivalent to a registered or accredited program in veterinary technology, and if such applicants meet all other requirements. 


The College of Veterinarians of Ontario discussed the following at their June 21, 2023 meeting. 

8.2 Professional Practice Standard – Veterinary Dentistry  

The Registrar introduced this agenda item.  

The College’s Professional Practice Standard on Veterinary Dentistry was published in March 2015. The topic has not returned to Council since the publication date. The primary reason for the review of the Standard relates to whether the use of radiography should be mandatory.  

Council robustly discussed and reviewed a Briefing Note on Veterinary Dentistry and a draft amended Professional Practice Standard.  

MOTION: It was moved and seconded, 
“That the Council of the College of Veterinarians of Ontario direct that the Professional Practice  

Standard – Veterinary Dentistry be returned to staff for further review and consideration.” 


Are Changes Required to the Professional Practice Standard  

The question of whether radiography should be a mandatory component of veterinary dentistry relates to the Professional Practice Standard. Here, the focus is on what the practice of an individual veterinarian should be.  

The Professional Practice Standard: Veterinary Dentistry currently speaks to the use of radiography. It states that a veterinarian meets the standard when they:  

“Diagnose and determine a treatment plan through direct assessment of an animal. Include or recommend radiography in the assessment as indicated.”  

This means that a veterinarian is already required to offer radiography when it is indicated. It also means, however, that:  

  • A veterinarian is permitted to use their professional judgment to determine whether radiography is indicated; and  
  • A client remains able to refuse radiography through informed client consent.  

Altering the current language in the Professional Practice Standard to make radiography required in all cases would require two things:  

  • Infringing on a veterinarian’s ability to use their professional judgment to determine suitable care; and  
  • Limiting a client’s ability to determine the care options for their animal. This is not advisable for the following reasons:  
  1. Professional Practice Standards are designed to outline the minimum standards for veterinary practice. They are not the place to instill best practices (also known as “gold standards”) and are instead intended to assist a veterinarian to determine suitable care options through the use of their professional judgment; and  
  2. Council has determined through the adoption of its Position Statement: Balancing Available Health Care Options and Client Access to Veterinary Care that both veterinarians and their clients should work together to determine what care options are suitable to each case. Instilling mandatory requirements limits the spectrum along which these choices can be made and should only be done in circumstances where there is a consistently high risk of harm or potential harm across all areas of practice. Given that the research shows that there are some instances where radiography may not be indicated before the provision of veterinary dentistry, it cannot be confidently argued that this level of consistent risk exists.  

Further, the risks associated with not providing radiography prior to the provision of veterinary dentistry are currently mitigated in several different ways:  

Humane Society Annual Audit Requirements Effective July 1, 2023 

RCW 18.92.260 directs the Veterinary Board of Governors (board) to establish annual reporting requirements and ensure agencies are in compliance related to providing veterinary services to animals owned by qualified low-income households. 

The board adopted rules under WSR 23-11-002 on May 3, 2023, establishing eligibility and auditing requirements. Rules became effective June 3, 2023. The board has finalized their auditing process and the annual reporting tool is now available on the website. 

Registered human societies and animal care and control agencies must complete the report annually. First report is due by July 31, 2024, for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Annual reports will be for services provided from July 1 through June 30 and report submission is due by July 31 for each year. 

Please email program staff at if you have questions. 

WAC 246-933-520 

Registration, household eligibility, and auditing. 

(1) An entity must obtain a registration credential in order to provide veterinary services as described in RCW 18.92.260. To obtain a registration the entity must comply with WAC 246-12-060. 

(2) To provide veterinary services, a registered entity must adopt procedures to verify a household qualifies as a low-income household as defined in WAC 246-933-510(3). Procedures may include, but are not limited to: 

(a) Reviewing proof of income; 

(b) Reviewing proof of eligibility for or receipt of benefits based on low-income status; or 

(c) Accepting attestation of low-income status. 

(3) Upon request, entities must provide the board information demonstrating they have verified low-income status of households served. 

Additional applicable rules. 

4. VMA Updates

Governor Dunleavy signs HB 56 at Twin Cities Veterinary Clinic in Soldotna

The Louisiana Veterinarian May/June Issue – Vol.33 No.3 is available here. 

The Louisiana Veterinarian is published bimonthly by the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association, 


The Maryland Veterinary Medical Association’s monthly e-news, NewsBytes, is available here. 

5. AVMA Updates

Nothing to report.

5. Pharmacy Board Updates

Nothing to report.