February 2024 Report

This report shares short summary highlights of tracked legislative bills and rules & regulations that have seen recent activity, as well as available board and state VMA updates.
The legislative activity map reflects all 2024 activity and is updated daily. The regulation activity map reflects activity within the last month and will be updated monthly.
Legislative Activity
Regulation Activity
Board Watch
Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board – December 13, 2023 Minutes
Veterinary Technician Utilization Podcast Now
February 14, 2024
Check out this timely and informative podcast from the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE) Veterinary Practice Health series. This month’s podcast discusses the importance of veterinary technician utilization and efficiency in veterinary practice. The hosts, Heather Prendergast, Leslie Boudreau, and Dr. Lou Olson, emphasize the need to fully utilize veterinary technicians and create a culture that values their contributions. They highlight the benefits of technician utilization, such as improved job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and increased efficiency. The conversation also explores the various roles and responsibilities that credential technicians can take on in a practice, beyond traditional floor duties. The episode concludes with a discussion on onboarding programs and the impact of culture on technician utilization.
Veterinary Technician Utilization: Part 1 (spotify.com)
The podcast links are housed on Spotify and available on other major digital platforms such as Apple podcasts and iHeartradio as well.
Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine – December 7, 2023 Minutes
Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine Rules Committee – January 31, 2024
Discussion – BR 700-12-.10 Radiology and the Veterinary Facility Inspection Form_rev 01-31-24 (attachment A)
During the August 2023 meeting the Board requested the assistance of Dr. Riddick, Executive Director of Georgia Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA) to locate information regarding x-ray and/or radiology regulations and protocols from the Georgia Department of Community Health related to their Rule 111-8-90.01. At that meeting, the Board further charged the Rules Committee to review any information received and make recommendations to amend Board Rule 700-12-.10 Radiology and the Board’s Veterinary Facility Inspection Form if necessary.
The Committee reviewed the Veterinary Facility Inspection Form that was amended according to the discussion the Rules Committee had during the January 25, 2024 meeting and consulted with Dr. Riddick about any additional information she received about the standards for the use of other radiological equipment in veterinary facilities. The most significant changes made to the form were to add the relevant Board Rule at the start of each section, incorporate the types of licenses and permits a facility may need to have on hand, more detail as to what an investigator should find in the facility pharmacy and drug log books, outlining items that may need to be on-hand in the facility crash cart as well as a more detailed description of the radiological equipment standards.
The Committee requested Dr. Riddick’s input on the proposed changes. In response, she recommended that the Committee consider whether there should be a requirement that veterinarians submit proof of annual radiological equipment inspections at the time of renewal of their business license or professional licenses if the veterinarian owns the facility. She also suggested some consideration of requiring licensees to complete some CE or training in radiology safety as a renewal requirement. Dr. Riddick further informed the Committee that she had not yet received any information from the Georgia Department of Community Health (GDCH) concerning other types of radiological equipment.
There was also some discussion as to whether the Board has the authority to conduct random inspections of veterinary facilities. Dr. Wright suggested adding a question to the renewal application as follows: “Do you own a practice that uses radiological equipment?” If the answer is yes, a current inspection form and proof of employee training for authorized users must be submitted.
Ms. Price shared the information she collected on the standards for the use of other types of radiological equipment based on her review of checklists by the Joint Commission, other licensing boards, and the GDCH. She reported that the minimum requirements were very similar. Since veterinary practices may use other types of radiological equipment, it may benefit licensees to post a copy of the Board’s Veterinary Facility Inspection Form so that they know what the Investigators will be looking for when conducting an inspection. She stated it may also be helpful to add a definition on the facility inspection form of what the Board means by radiological equipment. The committee drafted a definition to add to the form.
Ms. Price remarked that it is likely that the Board has the authority to require continuing education hours in radiology safety, the Board may not have the authority to add the renewal question concerning inspections or conduct random inspections. As a result, the Committee may wish to offer their suggestions to the Board and recommend that the Board obtain advice from the Attorney General’s Office surrounding the authority to implement what is suggested. She stated that since the Board has no authority to require proof of annual radiological equipment inspection and training at the renewal of the facility’s business license, the also may wish to recommend that the Board vote to refer that suggestion to the Corporation’s Division. Ms. Price further suggested that it may not be necessary to amend BR 700-12-.10 if licensees are put on notice of expectations through the publishing of the Veterinary Facility Inspection Form.
It was determined that a Memorandum of Advice from the Attorney General’s Office is necessary before the Committee proposes any amendments to BR 700-12-.10 Radiology.
The Committee recommends that the Board requests a Memorandum of Advice from the Attorney General’s Office as to whether the Board has the authority to perform random veterinary facility inspections without receiving a complaint. The Committee further recommends the Board seek Attorney General advice concerning the addition of the proposed radiology question on the renewal application as well as a requirement for proof of annual inspection and operator radiology safety training based on the licensee’s response.
The Committee also recommends that the Board refer a request to GVMA to advocate for the Georgia Secretary of State Corporations Divisions to require proof of annual radiological equipment inspection and operator radiology safety training at the renewal of the veterinary facility license if the advice received requires a statutory change to the Georgia Veterinary Practice Act.
The Committee recommends referring the Veterinary Facility Inspection Form as attached to the full Board for review during the February 7, 2024, WebEx meeting.
Adjournment No further business was discussed, and the Committee meeting adjourned at 10:37 a.m.
Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine Rules Committee – January 25, 2024
Discussion – BR 700-12-.10 Radiology
The Committee was charged to determine if BR 700-12-.10 and the Veterinary Facility Inspection Form should be amended to more accurately reflect the requirements outlined by the Georgia Department of Community Health (GDCH) in their Rule 111-8-90.01. In an attempt to gain more information about the GDCH requirements, the Board requested the assistance of Dr. Riddick, Executive Director of the Georgia Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA), to locate information regarding x-ray and/or radiology inspection protocols. It is the consensus of the Committee that employees who operate radiology equipment in veterinary facilities should be adequately trained and the safety of the machines monitored regularly as both are paramount to public protection and safety. When discussing the training that is currently available, it was revealed that currently, GVMA appears to be the only provider of radiology training in veterinary medicine.
The Committee engaged in a conversation regarding the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCPR) and the fundamentals of radiation shielding, and they determined a definition should be provided for both the Investigators and the facility owners. Since the Board Investigators often request a copy of five (5) random records, the veterinary inspection form could be amended to require 5 random sets of X-ray films. If the films show the entire animal, or if there is any human anatomy shown in the x-ray, that portion of the inspection is considered a failure.
The Committee recommends that the X-ray machines be calibrated and that the reports be posted for the Investigator to review. The frequency of the calibrations was discussed, and it was recommended that the machines undergo a formal review a minimum of every five (5) years. Whereas the Committee determined that the frequency of calibration could pose a financial hardship to some facilities, including factoring in the mileage of the licensed or certified professional inspector, it is a necessary expense to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local requirements and such expense should be included in the facility’s budget.
The Committee reviewed the radiology inspection checklist that was provided to Dr. Riddick by the GDCH. The Committee agreed that the same requirements in human medicine should be in place for veterinary medicine since human beings are operating the machinery and using it on animals. It was the consensus of the Committee that the requirements would apply at any veterinary facility as defined in O.C.G.A. § 43-50-3(31).
The inspection checklist discussion for radiological equipment included proper collimation, timer accuracy, termination, and the exposure switch, filtration for the certification process of the x-ray machine, the control panel, personal protective equipment (PPE) integrity, and employee spacing from the machines during the x-ray process, shielding to include thyroid shields, a dosimetry badge, the darkroom, area cleanliness, radiological record keeping, and the machine warning label. PPE should be checked for integrity every six (6) months and the Investigator will ask for a copy of this documentation.
Dr. Riddick asked the Committee if there should be any consideration given to the use of MRIs and CT scans. The Committee agreed that it should determine if the guidelines established for X-rays fit most all radiological equipment standards. Further discussion of amendments to Board Rule 700-12-.10 was tabled pending additional research on the standards of other forms of radiological equipment.
Ms. Price will compose a finalized checklist to include items from the discussion, and Dr. Riddick will attempt to reach out to GDCH to obtain information about other radiological equipment. The Committee will hold a meeting on January 31, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. via WebEx to review the revised Veterinary Facility Inspection Form.
Discussion – Acceptance of U.S. Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) Accreditation Modules for LEAP Credit
During the December 13, 2023, meeting, the Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine referred the correspondence regarding USDA- APHIS Accreditation Modules for LEAP Credit to the Rules Committee. The Committee determined that the USDA-APHIS modules deal with international and national regulations of animal movement, disease traceability, and disease control, and the instructors are established and verified. As a result, credit for LEAP CE should be awarded for the completion of the modules.
The Committee reviewed several options for awarding LEAP (Legal, Ethical, and Professional) CE credit for the licensees who complete the USDA-APHIS modules. It was recommended that the veterinarians who provide proof of completion of three modules for Level 1 accreditation and the veterinary technicians who complete three modules, will receive one (1) hour LEAP CE credit. Those veterinarians who provide proof of completion of six modules for Level 2 accreditation, will receive two (2) hours of LEAP CE credit.
The Committee discussed the rationales for their recommending amendments to Board Rules 700-7-.03 and 700-7-.04 to include the USDA-APHIS modules for LEAP credit. They determined that the modules provide education on regulations and animal disease control on an international and national level. The modules are certified by an entity that is federally approved and thoroughly vetted. Amending the existing rules will allow for more LEAP options for licensees. The policy purpose of the rule amendment is to facilitate access to LEAP CE programs and ensure compliance with federal regulations.
The amendments will prohibit and prevent unsafe practices and/or fraud by providing educational access for self-knowledge and to better educate the licensees on the rules and laws that affect animal welfare which ensures competent practitioners. Additionally, the amendments provide more available LEAP CE program options than currently exist. The amendments carry out policy objectives that are expressed in a statute by guaranteeing practitioners have more options to fulfill their LEAP CE requirements outlined in the Board Rules. The program offerings help licensees to ensure that the State of Georgia remains free from infectious diseases by aligning the practices of licensees with federal regulations as it relates to the safe handling of infectious agents.
The Committee considered multiple variations of the rule amendment and determined that the tiered approach to granting credit is fair and equitable for the different levels of training for the modules.
Independent support for the rule amendment includes support from the Georgia Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA), practitioners, and constituent requests from stakeholders who have frequently requested additional LEAP CE program opportunities and rules from other jurisdictions, such as the State of Tennessee which offers credit for these courses and have similar LEAP CE requirements as the State of Georgia. Additionally, the USDA-APHIS programs align with ensuring national standards.
The rule amendment will positively affect veterinarians and veterinarian technicians by allowing more access to LEAP CE courses to achieve renewal requirements more readily.
The rule amendment will have a positive economic impact on businesses in Georgia as it reduces the amount of time and money licensees spend searching for LEAP CE courses elsewhere, which equates to decreased time away from work and travel expenditures and allows providers who were already completing the modules to utilize them toward meeting state LEAP requirements, thus decreasing the need to pay for additional courses.
The Committee recommended to refer to Board Rule 700-7-.03 Continuing Veterinary Education and Board Rule 700-7-.04 Veterinary Technician Continuing Education to the full Board to review their rule amendments during the February 7, 2024, WebEx meeting. (Attachments A and B)
Adjournment No further business was discussed, and the Committee meeting adjourned at 11:28 a.m.
Hawaii Board of Veterinary Medicine – February 7, 2024 Recorded Minutes
Nevada Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Hearings for the Adoption of Regulations R116-23 and R117-23 (For Possible Action)
A. R116-23: Regulation language for adoption covering topics for regulation changes on the following:
- Makes various changes to the scope and supervision requirements of Licensed Veterinary Technicians (LVTs), Veterinary-Technician-in-Training (VTIT), and Veterinary Assistants(VA)
Motion: Dr. O’Dea moved to accept R116-23 as written. Second: Dr. White
Passed: All aye. No public comment
R117-23: Regulation language for adoption covering topics for regulation changes on the following:
- Increase of renewal, application, and various fees
- Increases the amount for which the Executive Director may approve a contract
- Administrative fines
- Individuals and/or owners who engage in threatening language, behavior, or acts toward veterinary staff
- Changes to providing medical records under certain circumstances
- Extensions to VTIT registrations
- Update to euthanasia drugs/euthanasic agents that a licensed Euthanasia Technician may possess during the course of their duties
- Definition of ‘Animal Transportation Service’ and what actions they may engage in with the public.
- Update to the expiration date of facilities in accordance with AB200
- Removal of Language pertaining to a provision of a roster of veterinarians by the veterinarian in charge.
- Removal of the specific topics covered in training on Euthanasia Technicians
- Updated language related to licensure by endorsement (Section 16)
- Removal of various provisions (Section 17)
Motion: Dr. Knehr moved to accept R117-23 with the change to Section 11, Paragraph 1 changing the term “48 hours or 2 business days” to “not later than 5 business days”
Second: Dr. O’Dea
Passed: All aye. No public comment
College of Veterinarians of Ontario – 2023 Annual Report
This year’s annual report shares our most recent story of where and who we are right now. It recognizes the breadth and depth of the veterinary profession in Ontario. It takes in the facilities that veterinarians practice from and how we are modernizing our approach to practice. It speaks to relationships at the local, provincial, national, and international levels, and, in fact, across professions and the broader industry in its varied dimensions. It celebrates our work with our colleagues at the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA), the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), the Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians (OAVT) and the Canadian Council of Veterinary Registrars (CCVR).
Championing legislative reform to affirm an agile future
The College welcomes the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ (OMAFRA) commitment to modernizing the regulation
of the veterinary profession in Ontario. The College has been working towards this objective for several years. The College, along with the Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians and the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, are working collaboratively on modernization to strengthen public protection and more accurately reflect current veterinary practice.
To support the modernization, the College:
- Communicates regularly with OMAFRA officials to assist with the work.
- Attends consultation sessions hosted by OMAFRA.
- Shares updates with the veterinary profession and the public regarding the work towards modernization.
- Meets with the Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians (OAVT) regarding scope of practice and other regulatory matters.
- Meets with all interested organizations and individuals on strategic considerations relating to legislative reform.
Utah Veterinary Physicians Licensing Board Meeting – January 18, 2024 meeting
Teeth Floating – Boards Rescinded Stance
January 23, 2024
The WV Board of Veterinary Medicine (Board), at its January 4, 2024 Board meeting, has rescinded its stance for permitting a non-licensee to do dental floating (meaning to file or rasp the teeth to reduce the sharp edges and make the surface smoother), wolf tooth removal, and an oral exam.
West Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine – December 4, 2023 Meeting
The 2024 Colorado Legislative session opened on January 10, 2024. CVMA will keep members updated on the latest through eVoice and on their blog.
- February 29, 2024: HB24-1114 Pet Animal Facility Requirements Before Euthanasia is scheduled for hearing with the House Committee for Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources.
- February 13, 2024: HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice and HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth have been introduced to the Senate. Review by the Senate Committee for Agriculture & Natural Resources will be scheduled in the coming weeks.
- February 12, 2024: HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice and HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth passed House Third Reading with no amendments
- February 9, 2024: HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice and HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth passed House Second Reading Special Order with amendments.
- February 8, 2024: HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System has been postponed indefinitely by the House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources.
- February 7, 2024: SB24-045 Modifications to Sterilization Requirements for Cats & Dogs passed Senate Third Reading with no amendments. Introduced to the House and assigned to Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources.
- February 6, 2024: SB24-045 Modifications to Sterilization Requirements for Cats & Dogs passed Senate Second Reading with no amendments.
- February 5, 2024: Bills HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice and HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth are under consideration. You can listen to the recorded proceedings with the House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Committee here.
- January 31, 2024: HB24-1163 Pet Animal Registration System was introduced to the House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources.
- January 26, 2024: HB24-1114 Pet Animal Facility Requirements Before Euthanasia has been introduced.
- January 12, 2024: SB24-045 Modifications to Sterilization Requirements for Cats & Dogs has been introduced.
- January 11, 2024: Two ballot initiatives (Initiative #144: Veterinary Telehealth and Initiative #145: Establish Qualifications and Registration for Veterinary Professional Associate) were filed by a coalition of animal welfare groups, including the Dumb Friends League and the ASPCA. CVMA Board of Directors and Advocacy Commission are actively working on and closely monitoring these ballot initiatives.
- January 10, 2024: Bills HB24-1047 (Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice) and HB24-1048 (Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth) have been introduced.
What is the GVMA advocating for in 2024?
- Improving the Food Animal Veterinary Loan Repayment Plan
- Recommend increasing the amount to $25,000/year for 3 years. Currently, an individual applies for the grant annually. The Federal VLR is one application for 3 years, and this would align the GA plan with the Federal plan
- Recent graduates or 4th-year students can apply and feel confident as grant recipients they can focus on their food animal practice knowing the grant has a 3-year duration.
- Food animal veterinarians’ competitive salary is not equivalent to urban small animal veterinary medicine yet their student loans are similar.
- The GVMA has stakeholder support, especially from the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and Georgia Farm Bureau.
- The GVMA has legislators’ support, especially from the Rural Business Development Caucus – a bipartisan group of legislators from both the House and the Senate.
Want to get involved?
- Find your elected officials here.
- Send them a friendly email sharing the Georgia Veterinary Medical Association advocates for causes, policies, and legislation that will impact your role in improving animal and public health.
- Ask them to support legislation supported by the GVMA and if they have questions about proposed legislation that affects animals or veterinarians to reach out to you or directly to Dr. Keri Riddick at keri@gvma.net.
- Are you interested in a quick, and very important way that you can participate in advocacy? Complete this brief survey that helps us identify what is important to you!
- If you are willing to write a short email to your legislator, make a quick phone call, or happen to know a legislator (it is ok if you don’t, most of us do not) the survey will collect the ways you are willing to advocate for the GVMA in the future.
State Board of Veterinary Medicine
Did you know that many of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine meetings are open to the public?
- Rules Committee Meetings and Veterinary Medicine Board Meetings have public links.
- The GVMA attends all of the open meetings to remain informed and serve as the voice advocating for our members.
The Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association published their 2024 Hawaii Legislative Update
Jan. 30, 2024
- HB2086 / SB2749 RELATING TO HEALTH. Requires the administrator of the narcotics enforcement administration to make an emergency scheduling by placing xylazine into schedule III on an emergency basis. [HVMA working to include a veterinary use exemption]
- HB1527 / SB2562 RELATING TO VETERINARY MEDICINE. Prohibits animal owners and their employees from performing any surgical procedures on the owner’s animal or animals. Prohibits the elastration, or castration via banding, of a pet animal. Provides that a violation of the prohibitions is a class C felony. Clarifies that the offense of cruelty to animals in the first degree does not apply to accepted veterinary practices and cropping or docking as customarily practiced when the procedures are performed by a licensed veterinarian.
- HB1580 RELATING TO ANIMAL CRUELTY. Amends the criminal penalties for various animal cruelty offenses by increasing the category of offense
- SB2114 RELATING TO FERAL ANIMALS. Prohibits the feeding of feral animals within a certain distance from Department of Education public school campuses; establishes fines
- SB2564 RELATING TO PET ANIMALS. Prohibits insurers from refusing to issue, refusing to renew, canceling, or establishing higher rates for a homeowners insurance policy or dwelling fire insurance policy based on the breed of any dog that is kept on the premises. Requires any pet animal found on the premises during an eviction to be given to the owner or taken in by an animal control agency. Limits the monetary amount of pet deposits and pet rent. Clarifies that a provision allowing a lien on an animal to secure payment for caring for or feeding the animal does not apply to pet animals.
- SB2692 RELATING TO DANGEROUS DOGS. Establishes requirements and penalties for owners of dangerous dogs. Allows for impounding of dangerous dogs under certain conditions.
Please keep an eye out for calls to submit testimony on these bills in the near future. We will send out an alert once any of the bills that may impact veterinary practice are scheduled for a hearing. At that time testimony may be submitted online at https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/.
Comment and Hearings for Veterinary Auxiliary Personnel Rules
Upon passage of HF 670, the Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine (IBVM) is now revising the rules in 811-Veterinary Medicine Board, which will specify the tasks and supervision levels required for the various types of veterinary auxiliary personnel.
The rules are available for viewing and open for public comment here.
Public Comment is open through March 29, 2024, by commenting on the above webpage or sending your comments to the IVMA at ivma@iowavma.org or 515-965-9237.
All interested parties are invited to attend Public Hearings on the proposed rules. The hearings will be held in the Second Floor Boardroom, Wallace State Office Building, 502 E 9th Street Des Moines on Thursday, February 29, at 10:00 am, and Friday, March 8, at 10:00 am.
Pharmacy Updates
The Mississippi Board of Pharmacy voted to amend/adopt Article XXXI Compounding Guidelines at their November 2023 meeting.
Every pharmacy permitted by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy engaged in the compounding of pharmaceuticals shall comply with USP 797 and 795 standards. The designated USP representative must be a pharmacist licensed in the State of Mississippi.
2. RECORDS (pg. 2-3)
A. A pharmacy may prepare a copy of a commercial product when that commercial product is not available as evidenced
by either of the following:
i. Products that appear on a website maintained by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or
the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (ASHP); or
ii. Products temporarily unavailable from the manufacturer, as documented by an invoice or other communication
from the distributor or manufacturer.
A. All compounding for non-human medications must follow USP 795/797 compounding standards.
B. A pharmacy may compound a preparation intended for administration to an animal patient:
i. Pursuant to a patient-specific prescription; or
ii. Pursuant to a non-patient specific order from a veterinarian.
C. The label for non-patient-specific compounded preparations shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
i. Pharmacy’s name, address and telephone number
ii. Veterinarian’s name;
iii. Name of preparation;
iv. Strength and concentration;
v. Lot number;
vi. Beyond use date (BUD);
vii. Special storage requirements, if applicable;
viii. Name or initials of the pharmacist responsible for final check of the preparation.
Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority
HISA To Fund Three Scientific Studies on the Use of Furosemide
Jan 31, 2024
January 31, 2024 (Lexington, KY) – The Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA) will fund three scientific studies on the use of furosemide (also known as “Lasix”) on horses during the 48-hour period before the start of a Covered Horserace, including the effect of furosemide on equine health and the integrity of competition. The three projects selected for funding were approved by HISA’s Board of Directors following a recommendation from HISA’s Furosemide Advisory Committee (FAC).
Under the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act, HISA is required to fund robust and rigorous scientific research on the topic of furosemide to inform the FAC’s future recommendations to the HISA Board on whether and how to amend HISA’s existing furosemide regulations. The HISA Board has approved $773,500 in grant funding for projects to be conducted at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, and Washington State University over the next two years.
A request for proposals was issued by HISA in August 2023. Of the proposals submitted, the following were recommended by the FAC and approved for funding by the HISA Board:
Examining Associations Between Furosemide Treatment & Racehorse Health and Welfare
Principal Investigator: Amanda Waller, BSc, PhD, Research Scientist, Center for Clinical and Translational Research, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
This study will examine the effects of race day furosemide treatment on the health and welfare of Thoroughbreds as well as their long-term racing performance. An analysis will be conducted to assess the association between pre-race furosemide administration and fatal injury, while also comparing the performance metrics – including lifetime earnings, career length, lifetime starts, starts per year, placings, and average speed figures – of horses that raced exclusively on furosemide as 2-year-olds and horses that did not receive furosemide for any races during their 2-year-old year.
Effects of Repeated Furosemide Administration on Electrolyte Homeostasis and Bone Density in Healthy Adult Exercising Thoroughbreds
Principal Investigator: SallyAnne L. DeNotta, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM., Clinical Assistant Professor, Large Animal Medicine, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine
This study will examine the effects of repeated furosemide administration on electrolyte homeostasis, parathyroid response, and urinary electrolyte excretion in exercising adult Thoroughbreds. The study will also examine the effects of repeated administration on bone density and strength using minimally invasive methods of measurement, including DEXA scan and OsteoProbe.
Does Pre-Race Administration of Furosemide to Thoroughbred Racehorses Prolong Their Racing Careers?
Principal Investigator: Warwick Bayly, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM, Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University
This study will examine the impact of severe exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) on horses’ careers and the health of the racing industry more broadly. In doing so, the study will assess whether regular furosemide treatment is associated with more career starts and greater longevity and the impact of banning furosemide for 2-year-olds on the duration of their careers and number of lifetimes starts. The study will also seek to determine the extent to which severe EIPH impacts the number of subsequent race starts, the periods between them, and, when applicable, the time between the diagnosis of severe EIPH and retirement.
Researchers will be required to present final reports on their findings to the FAC on or before January 31, 2026.
“The Furosemide Advisory Committee is grateful to the expert researchers who responded to our request for proposals and look forward to partnering with Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, and Washington State University on this important research,” said FAC Chairman Dr. Scott Palmer, VMD. “The lifelong health and wellbeing of Thoroughbreds is our top priority. This work will help ensure we have policies in place to safeguard these remarkable animals and the integrity of the sport.”
See here for the entire HISA January 2024 Newsletter
Jan 30, 2024
HISA Establishes Next Generation Advisory Group
Earlier this month, HISA announced the establishment of a Next Generation Advisory Group that will be made up of individuals in the early to mid stages of their professional careers. The Advisory Group will provide feedback to HISA’s executive team and standing committees on the implementation and evolution of HISA’s regulations and protocols. HISA is inviting anyone who wishes to be considered for membership in the Advisory Group to submit an application indicating their interest and qualifications by February 9, 2024.
HISA is looking to select a diverse group of 10-12 individuals who bring a wide range of experience in horse racing, related industries, and innovation to join the Advisory Group.
The Next Generation Advisory Group will be co-chaired by Mackenzie Kirker-Head, HISA Communications and Design Manager, and Brandon Badgett, Director of Strategy at Jahnel Group. HISA Assistant General Counsel Sam Reinhardt will act as Secretary, and Alexa Ravit, Horseracing Integrity & Welfare Unit (HIWU) Director of Communications & Outreach, will act as HIWU Liaison.
Questions about the Advisory Group should be submitted to Mackenzie Kirker-Head at Mackenzie.KirkerHead@hisaus.org. More information about the group and the expectations of members can be found here.
New Vets’ List Search on HISA Portal
Did you know? HISA’s veterinarians’ list rules attach progressive stand-down times for horses appearing on the lists for epistaxis or unsoundness more than once in 365 days. Registered Persons may now search HISA’s database for a horse’s vets’ list history for these two categories by clicking here and entering the horse’s name.