July 2024 Report

This report shares short summary highlights of tracked legislative bills and rules & regulations that have seen recent activity, as well as available board and state VMA updates.

The legislative activity map reflects all 2024 activity and is updated daily. The regulation activity map reflects activity within the last month and will be updated monthly.

Legislative Activity

Regulation Activity

Board Watch

Alaska Board of Veterinary ExaminersApril 11, 2024 Minutes 

Arizona Board of Veterinary MedicineJune 19, 2024 Minutes 

College of Veterinarians British ColumbiaMay 3, 2024 Minutes 


California Veterinary Medical Board June 24-25, 2024 Agenda Items 
Webcast of the meeting will be uploaded soon here.  

News and Announcements 

Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Version Update – Data Submission Guide Now Available 
Published: July 8, 2024 

Beginning August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances will be required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) version 4.2B format. Licensees who dispense controlled substances should contact their data submission software provider to confirm they are prepared for this version update. Please visit the Office of the Attorney General’s CURES Website to access the Data Submission guide for Dispensers and for additional updates and informational bulletins. 

For information about CURES, visit DCA’s CURES information page.  

Assembly Bill (AB) 1399 Frequently Asked Questions 

Published: July 2, 2024 

Senate Bill (SB) 669 Frequently Asked Questions 

Published: July 2, 2024 

Colorado Board of Veterinary MedicineApril 11, 2024 Minutes 

CVMA Releases 2023 Annual Report 

June 21, 2024 

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association’s (CVMA) annual report aims to provide the association’s stakeholders with an overview of the CVMA’s achievements and financial standing for the fiscal year. 

Click here to view the 2023 report.

DC Board of Veterinary Medicine June 20, 2024 Minutes 

Reciprocity Agreement: The District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia have entered into an agreement to establish reciprocity amongst the parties to facilitate the expedited licensure of health professionals practicing within the three jurisdictions. The agreement is not yet fully signed by Virginia and Maryland.  

Pets in Housing Amendment Act of 2024: ▪ On May 22nd, Councilmember R. White along with Councilmembers Bonds, Pinto, T. White, and Lewis George introduced the Pets in Housing Amendment Act of 2024 (B25-0827). o This legislation limits fees by housing providers (monthly rent and security deposits) for pets as well as banning breed restrictions. ▪ This legislation has been referred to the Committee on Housing, but no hearing has been scheduled.


Delaware Board of Veterinary MedicineMay 14, 2024 Minutes 

Important Information – Telemedicine 

Effective July 1, 2024, the Board of Veterinary Medicine has jurisdiction over a veterinarian practicing veterinary telehealth, regardless of where the veterinarian is located under HB 849.  Additionally, the new law provides requirements and conditions for veterinarians providing telehealth services. 

Specific details on this bill can be found in the FAQ’s and for the full text of this new law, see Chapter 2024-260. 

Georgia State Board of Veterinary MedicineMay 14, 2024 Minutes  

Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine Investigative Committee MeetingJune 25, 2024 Minutes 


Louisiana Board of Veterinary MedicineApril 4, 2024 Minutes 

Opinions – Answered  

  1. Is the AVCA Exam/Course Recognized by Board for Chiropractic Alternative Therapies? A board-certified chiropractor (human medicine) asked the board if a particular course in animal chiropractic was board-approved so as to allow him to render chiropractic services to animals. He was advised of the board rule (712) that allows this alternative therapy to be administered by a layperson (person not licensed or certified by the board) if he possesses a license, registration, or certification issued by another regulatory authority in Louisiana, without specific training approved by the board in advance of treatment. Since the person posing the query is licensed by the Louisiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners, he is qualified to provide this therapy provided he works under direct supervision of the veterinarian who has established the VCPR with the client. The veterinarian has additional responsibilities in order to delegate this treatment to a layperson, including obtaining informed consent from the client in writing, the maintenance of records and confidentiality, and the assumption of responsibility for the therapy delegated. 
  1. Can Hardcopy Records be Destroyed After Five Years? A licensed veterinarian asked if paper records concerning patient appointments could be destroyed after 5 years and was advised that records may be retained in paper or computer-generated means and that the retention schedule is 5 years from the date of the last examination of the patient. If the required period has passed, then irrespective of format the records need not be retained. Specifically paper records can be destroyed after the 5 years have passed and within the five years if converted to electronic form, provided they are reproducible and contain the mandatory forms (i.e. anesthesia, euthanasia, informed consent, etc.)  
  1. Can a Veterinarian Practice Under Maiden Name if Name is Changed on Driver’s License? The above question was posed and answered as follows: in Louisiana, a name on a birth certificate is the “legal name” which must be used until there is a legal change made under the civil laws. Louisiana does not recognize the common law right to assume the use of another name. The board’s rules do not prohibit using a portion of the legal name of its licensees (e.g. where the legal name due to marriage has been changed but it is used in conjunction with the maiden name) as long as there are no circumstances which would confuse the public as to the true identity of the licensee. 
  1. Is A New Graduate Who Has Not Passed NAVLE Able to Work for Louisiana State Racing Commission? The Louisiana Veterinary Practice Act excludes board jurisdiction and the requirement for licensure to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine any employee of the federal, state, or local government performing his official job duties. There must be a true “employee” status and not similar employment relationships (e.g. independent contractor) under the civil laws of Louisiana but as an employee of this commission licensure is not required and the failure to pass the NAVLE does not preclude employment by the Louisiana Racing Commission for the job duties assigned and described by the person posing the query. 
  1. Can Medical Records Be Withheld Until Payment is Received? This oft-asked question was again answered in the negative. A client is entitled to the medical records of a patient notwithstanding a balance owed to the practice. The collection of a debt is a civil matter not within the board’s jurisdiction. A reasonable cost of reproducing the record or a synopsis of the record may be charged by the veterinarian, but that cost is not associated with the account balance and must truly reflect reproduction costs. 
  1. Can a Veterinarian Hold a Client’s Medical Records if a Bill is Owed? The same question as item 5 was posed by a client and the client was advised this is not permissible.  
  1. Are There LBVM Statute Regarding Humane Euthanasia By a Client? A licensee asked the board if it was “legal” for a client to euthanize an animal owned by the client by gunshot. He was advised that under the board’s regulations, the practice of veterinary medicine and the board’s jurisdiction does not apply to the owner of the animal (La. R.S. 37:1514 (6)) but that the board cannot advise as to the legality of such acts under other Louisiana laws (e.g. cruelty provisions).


2024-07b  ~  LAC 46LXXXV.Chapter 07 – Veterinary Practice (Re-promulgation) 

  • 04-04-2024    In accordance with the APA, R.S. 49:950 et seq. and the 2022 LA Administrative Code Review, the Board conducted a comprehensive review of Chapter 7 and intends to notify the public with re-promulgation of all sections listed in Rule published below. The historical notes shall be updated to reflect this Chapter 7 rule review. [Meeting Minutes – 04-04-24] 


2024-07a  ~ LAC 46LXXXV.700, 701, 702, 704, 705, 707, and 712 – Veterinary Practice 

  • 02-01-2024     The Board discussed and voted on amendments to several sections of Chapter 7, specifically §700 and §705. Minor amendments were made to clean the language up in Sections §701, §702, §704, §707, and §712. [Meeting Minutes – 02-01-24] 
  • 07-18-2024     Notice of Intent and Fiscal & Economic Impact Statements submitted to Legislative Fiscal Office for review. Waiting for approval to move forward with the rulemaking process. 


2024-04  ~ LAC 46LXXXV.1007, 1011, 1025, 1039, 1051, 1057, and 1063 – Rules of Professional Conduct 

  • 04-04-2024     The Board discussed and voted on amendments to several sections, including §1007, §1011, §1025, §1039, §1051, §1057, and §1063. [Meeting Minutes – 04-04-24] 
  • 05-08-2024     Notice of Intent and Fiscal & Economic Impact Statements submitted to Legislative Fiscal Office for review. 
  • 06-28-2024     Legislative Fiscal Office approved fiscal and economic impact statement. 
  • 06-28-2024     First Report submitted to Senate and House Legislative Oversight Committees on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development. 
  • 06-28-2024     Notice of Intent submitted for publication in 2024 Louisiana Register, Volume 50, July edition. 
  • 07-20-2024     Submission of written comments related to this rule proposal will be accepted only from July 21st to August 9th. 
  • 08-09-2024     Deadline for submission of written comments to Board.*See instructions for submitting comments in Notice of Intent. 
  • 08-26-2024     Public Hearingtentatively to be held on August 26, 2024, at 1:00 pm only if the criteria set forth in R.S. 49:953(A)(2)(a) are satisfied. To confirm whether or not a public hearing will be held, interested parties should revisit this page after Friday, August 9, 2024. 


2024-02a  ~  LAC 46LXXXV.400, 403, 405, 409, 411, 413, 800, 811, 1200, and 1227 – Continuing Education Definitions & Requirements 

  • 05-23-2023     The Board discussed and voted to better define online participation and to maintain in-person requirement for at least 50% of annual continuing education hours. [Meeting Minutes – 05-23-23] 
  • 02-29-2024     Notice of Intent and Fiscal & Economic Impact Statements submitted to Legislative Fiscal Office for review. 
  • 03-06-2024     Legislative Fiscal Office approved fiscal and economic impact statement. 
  • 03-07-2024     First Report submitted to Senate and House Legislative Oversight Committees on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development. 
  • 03-21-2024     Submission of written comments related to this rule proposal will only be accepted from March 21st to April 9th. 
  • 04-09-2024     Deadline for submission of written comments to Board.*See instructions for submitting comments in Notice of Intent. 
  • XX-XX-XXX     NO PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED — * As there were no requests within twenty days (by April 9th, 2024) for a public hearing in accordance with §953.A(2)(b)(i), the Board will NOT hold a public hearing and will move forward with the rulemaking process. 
  • 04-29-2024     Notice of re-promulgation action submitted to Senate and House Legislative Oversight Committees on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development. 
  • 05-20-2024     Notice of Intent is being reprinted in 2024 Louisiana Register, Volume 50, May edition to correct a manifest, typographical error in §812 relative to the maximum number of allowable hours of online continuing education for RVTs. (The original document can be viewed on pages 412-417 of the 2024 Louisiana Register, Volume 50, March edition.) 
  • 07-09-2024     Summary Report submitted to Senate and House Legislative Oversight Committees on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development for final review. 


Maine Board of Veterinary MedicineFebruary 28, 2024 Minutes 

Notice of Final Action 


On July 15, 2024, the Maryland Department of Agriculture adopted amendments to Regulation .03 under COMAR 15.14.09 Qualifications for Licensure, by Examination, as a Veterinarian. This action, which was proposed for adoption in 50:25 Md. R. 1103—1104 (December 15, 2023), has been adopted as proposed. 
Increases the age of a passing score for certain examinations that the State Board will accept from a veterinarian who is applying to be licensed in this State from 5 years to 7 years. 

Veterinarians licensed in other States seeking to become licensed in Maryland: If a person is licensed in another jurisdiction, a person becomes eligible for licensure in Maryland if the person (1) has been engaging in the clinical practice of veterinary medicine for a certain period of time; or (2) has a passing score on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) provided, however, the passing score is not more than 5 years old. The proposed action increases the age of the passing score from 5 years to 7 years. For this reason, it benefits those veterinarians seeking licensure in Maryland who, while lacking the requisite clinical 

Effective Date: August 5, 2024. 


Maryland State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners April 25, 2024 Minutes 

New Hampshire Board of Veterinary Medicine June 26, 2024 Minutes 

New Jersey Veterinary Medical ExaminersMay 29, 2024 Minutes 

College of Veterinarians OntarioJune 19, 2024 Council Meeting Highlights 


Utah Veterinary BoardMay 16, 2024 Audio 

Washington Board of Veterinary Governors –  VBOG Telehealth/VCPR Rulemaking Input Wanted  

VBOG wants your feedback 

The Veterinary Board of Governors has been working on updating the VCPR WACs. 

Please read the proposed draft language. 

Link to Draft Definitions: WAC 246-933-010 

Link to Draft VCPR Rule: WAC 246-933-200 

Please email feedback to Poppy Budrow by August 1, 2024  

West Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine April 24, 2024 Minutes 

Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board April 17, 2024 Minutes 


Bringing a Dog into the US 

If you are bringing a dog to the U.S., starting on August 1, 2024, there are new steps you need to take. These steps depend on where your dog has been in the past 6 months. 


CDC strives to protect America’s families, communities, and pets by preventing the reintroduction of dog rabies into the United States. Preventing infected dogs from entering the United States is a public health priority. CDC recommends all dogs be vaccinated against dog rabies. 

Recent Changes 

CDC values the feedback received from various countries, industry partners, and the public. CDC simplified the process for meeting requirements for dogs arriving from dog rabies-free or low-risk countries. This means that for dogs that have been only in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries for the last 6 months, the one form you will need is the CDC Dog Import Form, which should take a few minutes to complete. 

What do I need to bring a dog into the United States? 

Starting on August 1, 2024, requirements are based on your dog’s situation. 


Review the list of high-risk countries for dog rabies. If your dog has been in any of these countries within the 6 months before arriving to the U.S., follow the requirements for dogs from high-risk countries.  

Dogs that have been ONLY in dog rabies-free or low-risk countries for the last 6 months 

Entry Requirements for Dogs from Dog Rabies-free or Low-risk Countries 

Dogs that have been in ANY high-risk countries in the last 6 months 

Entry Requirements for U.S.-Vaccinated Dogs from High-risk Countries 

Entry Requirements for Foreign-Vaccinated Dogs from High-risk Countries 
If your dog is not vaccinated against rabies and has been in a high-risk country for dog rabies in the past 6 months, your dog will NOT be allowed to enter the U.S. 

Dogs arriving to the U.S. BEFORE August 1, 2024 

What Your Dog Needs to Enter the United States Until July 31, 2024 

You must follow CDC’s dog importation requirements*, or your dog will not be allowed to enter the United States. 

*In addition, you must comply with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) and your U.S. destination’s regulations. Please be aware that dogs imported for commercial (resale) purposes have additional requirements from USDA. 


If you have questions or need more information, please contact CDC-INFO at (800) 232-4636. 


Noncompete agreements: What does the new FTC rule mean? 

June 21, 2024  

In April 2024 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a rule banning the use of most noncompete agreements—a rule that’s already facing court challenge. If you’re wondering what this might mean for you, the AVMA has a new resource that explains it all. 

Download it here: What you need to know about the FTC’s banning of noncompete agreements. 

In it, you’ll find general information about noncompete agreements, including examples of what they could look like for both veterinary employees and employers. You’ll also find answers to these questions about the FTC’s rule: 

  • What is included in the FTC ban on noncompetes? 
  • When will the FTC rule take effect? 
  • Will the ban happen for sure? 
  • Is there anything you should be doing now? 

Meanwhile, here are two crucial points to keep in mind: 

  • The rule is scheduled to take effect on September 4, 2024, but many groups have challenged it. The final answer on whether the rule will indeed go into effect may not be known for some time. 
  • Since the rule hasn’t yet taken effect, there is no change to any existing noncompete agreements. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, any current noncompete agreements you have may still be valid and enforceable until the rule is implemented. 


Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority

Anti-Doping and Medication Control Rules – subject to FTC approval 

Download educational materials here.