Conventional Report October 2022

This report shares short summary highlights of tracked legislative bills and rules & regulations that have seen activity in MONTH 2022, as well as available board and state VMA updates.
The Table of Contents below is your clickable guide through this conventional monthly report. To see the report sorted by jurisdiction for a quick view, please visit October 2022 Updates by Jurisdiction.
Table of Contents
1. Legislative Activity
Note: Filtered into sections by bill status, then listed by bill topic in alphabetical order.
There is 1 passed bill, 4 introduced bills, 0 cross-overs, 0 hearings, and 0 dead bills.
1.1 Passed
There is 1 passed bill.
Companion Animals
US S4205 PAW Act – Planning for Animal Wellness Act – An Act To require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to establish a working group relating to best practices and Federal guidance for animals in emergencies and disasters, and for other purposes.
The working group shall:
(1) encourage and foster collaborative efforts among individuals and entities working to address the needs of household pets, service and assistance animals, and captive animals, as appropriate, in emergency and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery; and
(2) review best practices and Federal guidance, as of the date of enactment of this Act, on congregate and non-congregate sheltering and evacuation planning relating to the needs of household pets, service and assistance animals, and captive animals, as appropriate, in emergency and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
1.2 Introduced
There are 4 introduced bills.
Veterinary – Declaw/Ear/Tail/Devocalization
MI HB6459 – An individual shall not perform by any means an onychectomy, a partial or complete phalangectomy, or tendonectomy procedure, or any other surgical procedure that prevents normal functioning of the claws, on a cat in this state, unless the procedure is necessary for a therapeutic purpose.
OH HB725 – Prohibits cropping ears, docking tails, declawing, surgically birthing, any dental procedure, including scaling, devocalization, declawing, or managing a dog’s pain. The exemption states that this section does not apply to a veterinarian performing a surgical procedure on a dog, using clinically appropriate anesthesia.
Veterinary - Facilities
NJ S3137 – An animal or veterinary facility, as defined pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1983, c.98 (C.45:16-1.1), in the State shall post the prices charged for standard and emergency services in a conspicuous location for consumers. A facility may satisfy this requirement by posting prices on the Internet website associated with the facility.
Veterinary – Loan Repayment/Shortages
NJ S3054 – This bill establishes two loan redemption programs aimed at increasing the number of veterinarians practicing in the State, namely the New Jersey’s Own Veterinarians Loan Redemption Program and the New Jersey Veterinarians Loan Redemption Program. The latter does not require an individual to complete a program in-state. Both require an individual to serve in the state after graduation. Max loan amount is $10,000 per year and $50,000 total. Half that for the second program.
1.3 Crossed Over
There are no cross-overs.
1.4 Hearings
There are 0 hearings and no upcoming hearings.
1.4 Dead
There are 0 dead bills.
2. Rules & Regulations Activity
Rules and Regulation changes that have taken effect.
Adopted Rules
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Examinations (LAC 46:LXXXV.303 and 803)
In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq., the Board (“Board”) of Veterinary Medicine has amended LAC 46:LXXXV.Chapters 1-15, regarding the licensure of veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians in the state of Louisiana. Chapter 3 of the rules amends §303.B.4.b. to afford the board greater discretion in determining when a licensed veterinarian applying for a Louisiana license has been a practicing veterinarian in the five-year period preceding the date of application for Louisiana licensure when the passing of the national examination (NAVLE) is older than five years. Chapter 8 rewrites and renumbers the rules concerning the licensure of registered veterinary technicians. It deletes the requirement that applicants for a certificate of approval take and pass a state practical examination, adds a requirement that an applicant for a certificate of approval take and pass a state board examination, and provides for a process of the waiver of the retaking of the national examination (VTNE) where the passing score occurred more than three years before the application for a certificate of approval. This Rule is hereby adopted on the day of promulgation.
Full text available in October Issue of the Louisiana Register Pg. 2534
3. Board Watch
Emergency and Permanent Rulemaking Hearing – October 13, 2022
The State Board of Veterinary Medicine held an Emergency and Permanent Rulemaking Hearing to allow stakeholders a final opportunity to provide testimony before the Board considers adopting multiple proposed new and revised rules to clarify record keeping requirements and address concerns from the Office of Legislative Legal Services(OLLS); and implement Colorado Senate Bill 22-116 (Concerning the ability of an individual to obtain an occupational credential through the Occupational Credential Portability Program); Colorado House Bill 22-1115 (Concerning the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation); Colorado House Bill 22-1235 (Concerning the continuation of the regulation of veterinary practice by the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations of the 2021 sunset report on the “Colorado Veterinary Practice Act” by the Department of Regulatory Agencies, adding registration requirements for veterinary technicians, adding veterinary technicians to the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, allowing certain unlicensed individuals to administer rabies vaccinations, and making an appropriation); Executive Order D-2022-032 (Directing State Agencies to Protect Access to Reproductive HealthCare in Colorado); and Executive Order D-2022-034 (Protecting Colorado’s Workforce and Expanding Licensing Opportunities). The Board will consider adopting all rules permanently, and in addition, will consider an emergency adoption of Rules 1.21 and 1.22, to comply with the reporting requirements of the Executive Orders.
The board provided legislative updates at their summer meeting.
There was a piece of legislation passed as an amendment to a bill called the HIV AIDS Data Privacy Protection Amendment Act that gives boards greater flexibility for evaluating criminal history so now boards have that, and applicants are no longer able to ask for a predetermination hearing when they are looking into licensure.
One member stated that as the District continues to grapple its healthcare workforce issues, they are looking at a whole host of innovative ways to tackle that. The Mayor has convened a healthcare workforce task force with leaders across the District.
DC Health also worked to introduce and then get passed a bill called High Need Healthcare Career Scholarship and Healthcare Loan Repayment Program Emergency Act so that Bill expands our existing Health Professional Loan Repayment Program and creates a Healthcare Career Scholarship program.
The scholarship program is not for veterinary professionals but includes nursing, assistant personnel, EMTs, etc.
A member stated that there are not in-state education opportunities for veterinary technicians, and that there is not a veterinary medicine program in the District. Other members stated that UDC has a Veterinary Assistant program, but were not sure if those veterinary assistants would be capable to fill the vacancies.
At their August meeting a board member reported that the Board of Pharmacy wanted to know if they can use veterinarian license numbers to enter into K-TRACS when the veterinarian is calling in scripts to a pharmacist. A motion was made, pending final legal review of any potential pitfalls, that the KBVE recommend to the BoP to use the veterinarian license numbers when veterinarians are calling in scripts to pharmacists. The motion was seconded and passed.
Request for Rule Review – Online Hours of Required Continuing Education
Presented were two public requests for a rule change related to the
to the maximum number of allowed annual continuing education hours for DVM renewals of licensure as set forth in Chapter 4, Rule §403.A.2 of the Louisiana Veterinary Practice Act. The request was made to remove the limit of online hours that can be completed, thus allowing all continuing education hours to be completed online. After greater discussion on the matter, there was a motion to deny the request for rule change. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously by voice vote.
The rationale of the Board includes, but is not limited to, the following factors: 1. Person-to-person seminars and course offerings are often accompanied by collateral presentations by vendors and exhibitors of new technology demonstrations and practice protocols which are state of the art and not available contemporaneously with on-line presentations; 2. The practice benefits from the interpersonal relationships formed and continued with person-to-person participation by colleagues while obtaining the 10 hours of CE requirements; 3. The sparsity of quality offerings during the pandemic of in-person instruction has waned and in-person instruction has rebounded with new vigor and enthusiasm since its suspension during the pandemic; 4. Local meetings and presentations are improving in quality so that travel expenses may be mitigated; and 5. Participation by attendants during in-person presentations is generally on a higher level than with online programs, even those with enhanced interactivity functions.
Can a DVM dispense prescription dog food without VPCR?
A licensee inquired of the Board as to whether a VCPR was needed to dispense “prescription dog food” to the public if a script is provided by the regular veterinarian, but no VCPR is established. A preliminary response was given, then after a board discussion modified as follows:
There is insufficient information to fully answer the query. “Prescription” foods are a trademark of one manufacturer. The FDA refers to such foods as “therapeutic foods”. The following are general guidelines for various products and drugs.
- a) Ethical products are those products where the manufacturer voluntarily chooses to market only through veterinarians. There is no labeling as a “legend drug”. In such instances, the only limitation on the selling veterinarian is to abide by the contractual agreement with the manufacturer. There is no regulation by the FDA and no requirement that a VCPR be established prior to dispensing.
- b) “Therapeutic foods” are those considered by the FDA as such by the ingredients of the product, its intended use as determined by label, advertisements, references to clinical and scientific studies, client testimonials and other forms of marketing. Even though these products do not contain prescription drugs, the FDA requires (but may not enforce) the establishment of the VCPR prior to dispensing.
- c) Prescription drugs, as categorized by the FDA, may be such by chemical composition as well as where labeling claims to prevent, cure, mitigate disease. In such a case the FDA will consider them “animal drugs” and require a VCPR prior to dispensing. These products may also be considered “food” in which case the FDA regulates as well. Only food “additives” and animal drugs require pre-marketing approval.
Insofar as Board regulation is concerned, only “legend drugs” in the context of this query (see Rule 700 definitions) require a prescription preceded by the establishment of a VCPR.
Regulatory Proposal Updates
2022-D ~ Petition for Rule Modification – In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, R.S. 49:950 et seq., the Board is amending LAC 46:LXXXV. Chapters 1, regarding the petitions for rulemaking in section 101, providing clearer instructions on submitting petitions for the adoption of new rules or for amendments or repeal of an existing rule. The proposed amendment to section 105 also delivers greater clarity on submitting petitions related to application decisions made by the Board.
- 12-01-2022 Board will vote on proposed Notice of Intent with amended language to Rules 101 and 105. [Source: Meeting Agenda – 12-01-22(released one week prior to meeting date)]
- 12-01-2022 Will be incorporated into Regulatory Project 2022-03 once Notice of Intent has been approved by Board vote.
2022-02 ~ LAC 46LXXXV.1101-1123.1031.307.700.702.714 – Preceptorship Requirement for DVM Licensure [Source: Regulatory Proposal 2022-C]
- 08-04-2022 Board voted to discontinue preceptorship program as a requirement for DVM licensure.
- 11-03-2022 Notice of Intent will be submitted to Occupational Licensing Review Commission (OLRC).
2022-01 ~ LAC 46LXXXV.303.803 – NAVLE Waiver, VTNE Waiver, & RVT State Jurisprudence Requirement [Source: Regulatory Proposal 2022-A]
- 10-20-2022 Final Rule scheduled for publication in Louisiana Register, effective 10/20/22.
The Board is currently working on revisions to the Veterinary Drug Distributor Regulations.
The Board discussed proposing revisions for the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Regulations, Title 172 Chapter 180. The Board is proposing a revision to the “Surgery” definition as listed in 002.08 and adding “Suturing” to the list of tasks for a Veterinary Technician under “Direct” supervision as listed in 004.01(B).
Members will collaborate on language for the definition of “Surgery” and for the Veterinarian delegation of tasks for the Veterinary Technician to submit for proposed revision to the Regulations.
September Board Meeting: Administrative Rules and Legislative Topics
Chapter Vet 800 Non-Veterinarians: Public Comments
The Board considered all oral and written public comment related to Chapter Vet 800. Promulgation of this chapter is necessary to establish a clear line regarding what credentialed staff may do versus assistants. Prior standard of leaving all such determinations to the veterinarian (see Vet 405 excerpt below) has not kept up with the evolution in reasonable standards of veterinary care. The Board voted to proceed with final proposal absent substantive change to avoid further delay in promulgation of rules that have been in process since 2018, though the Board does intend to revisit certain comments once Vet 800 is finalized. In particular, the Board will research:
- Potential accommodations for euthanasia in shelter medicine situations.
- AVMA data and reports regarding impacts of utilizing technicians versus assistants in practice.
- Implementation of Vet 802 and Vet 804 prior to December 31, 2025.
Vet 405.01 Assistant’s/Technician’s Acts and Conduct. Any person, not a licensed veterinarian, who assists a veterinarian in the care and treatment of animals shall be the professional responsibility of the veterinarian being assisted, who shall personally train and supervise the assistant/technician. The assistant’s/technician’s acts and conduct shall be deemed at all times to be the acts and conduct of the licensed veterinarian employing her or him. For the purpose of this rule, assistant and technician shall be deemed equivalent.
Vet 800 DRAFT Final Proposal
Motion: to accept the Vet 800 FP only with the addition of an effective date to Vet 802 & Vet 804 of 12/31/2025; and with the additional language for Vet 802.01(a). The Board will confer with OLS attorneys to determine whether the requested changes are substantive.
Motion seconded and passed.
The following motions were also seconded and passed:
Motion: to approve the Vet 300 (Licensing Requirements) Final Proposal to send to OLS Administrative Rules and JLCAR for conditional approval.
Motion: to accept Vet 500 (Ethical Standards) conditional approval response edits and file the rules with OLS Administrative Rules.
Motion: to adopt the final Vet 600 (Acupuncture and Embryo Transfers) rules as presented and file the certification letter with OLS.
Motion: to accept and approve the Reinstatement of Veterinary Licensure Form as presented as part of the current Chapter Vet 400 rulemaking.
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board Regulatory Bulletin – Summer 2022 Available
Inside this issue: NCVMB Position Statement “Veterinary Specialist Definition” | What Are the Position Statements of the Board | NIH – National Institute on Drug Abuse: Xylazine | TAKE OUR SURVEY: Assessment of Hazardous Drug Handling in North Carolina | Be Careful… Use of Heating Pads | Verifying Veterinary Licenses (It is important for employers to verify the license/registration of new hires) | Legible Medical Records
College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO)
September 28-29 Meeting Minutes
- Report on Peer Review of Medical Records Program
Council received a report on its Peer Review of Medical Records program (PRMR). The PRMR was established in March 2018 as a mandatory component of the College’s quality assurance program. The program was on hold for several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In year one, 88 practices completed a PRMR with results indicating 56 percent were successful; 37 percent were partially successful; and 7 percent were not successful. Practices that are successful are exempt from the PRMR for five years. Those that are not successful are advised to take corrective actions to improve record-keeping and must undergo a re-evaluation within a year. And partially successful practices are re-evaluated in a year. Further information on the PRMR is available on the College website.
- Public Policy – Professional Practice Standard on the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
The College Council reviewed a revised draft of the professional practice standard on the veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR) Council has undertaken extensive review, including a consultation, on its VCPR policy over the past year. The VCPR is the foundation for the delivery of clinical veterinary medicine. The draft standard proposes additions related to the client’s role in the VCPR and suggests establishing a VCPR in writing, when appropriate. After a robust discussion, Council approved the updated standard for establishing, maintaining and discontinuing a VCPR. The standard will be published, along with a guide, later this year.
Public Policy – Balancing Access to Care and Animal Health Care Options
Council considered a revised draft position on balancing client access to veterinary care and available animal health care options. Today’s veterinary medicine offers more options for care than ever before. Options in veterinary care exist along a spectrum of care that is unique to the animal and its owner. A position statement on spectrum of care requires consideration of several factors including the shortage of veterinarians, clients’ financial ability, treatment options, public expectations and uncertainty related to clinical decision-making. Following discussion, Council decided to consider a revised version of the position statement at a future meeting.
Legislative and Regulatory Report
Petitions for Rulemaking
The Board reviewed a petition for rulemaking regarding licensure by endorsement requirements for veterinary technicians.
The Board discussed the requested change.
It was motioned and seconded to deny the petition for the following reasons:
- 18VAC150-20-121(2) serves as a parallel requirement to clinical work performed in educational settings; and
- Veterinary technicians can obtain licensure in other jurisdictions without the education component Virginia requires and the Board finds that the clinical component of required practice prior to issuing a license by endorsement to a veterinary technician is necessary for safety of the public.
The motion carried.
4. VMA Updates
The AVMA House of Delegates met on July 28-29 in Philadelphia. The House discussed two hot topics in veterinary medicine during the veterinary information forum. The HOD discussed needed updates to the Model Veterinary Practice Act such as license portability, roles and supervision of veterinary technicians and assistants, as well as telemedicine. The HOD also discussed the Responsibility to Provide Emergency Care as it pertains to the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
There were 5 resolutions brought forward to the House of Delegates for review. Resolutions will be brought to the House if a new policy is created, or if the Board of Directors determines the policy to be pertinent to the scope of practice.
- Resolution 6 – New Policy on Use of Prescription Drugs in Veterinary Medicine
Alaska voted FOR this resolution. This resolution passed.
- Resolution 7 – New Policy on Adverse Event Reporting Alaska voted FOR this resolution. This resolution passed.
- Resolution 8 – Revised Policy on Genetic Modification of Animals in Agriculture
Alaska voted FOR this resolution. This resolution passed.
- Resolution 9 – Revised Policy on Approval and Availability of Antimicrobials for Use in Food-Producing Animals
Alaska voted FOR this resolution. This resolution passed. - Resolution 10 – Revised Policy on Raw Milk
Alaska voted FOR this resolution. This resolution passed.
There was an increased interest in telehealth during pandemic. Now that in-person visits have largely returned, telehealth visits have declined. Unfortunately, telehealth continues, but mostly outside of veterinary practices. On July 30th, 2022 AVMA launched a Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care to collaborate across the veterinary and animal health industry to enhance and expand care by leveraging technology, while simultaneously respecting the integrity of the veterinarian-client-patient relationship. The found- ing members are the AVMA, Veterinary Study Groups, and Merck Animal Health along with more than 30 other veterinary organizations and companies that have signed on so far. The AKVMA voted to sign on as one of the many organizations supporting this initiative.
AVMA is investigating the causes for workforce shortages, first to identify why there is a shortage so then a solution can be identified. Some key factors include underutilization of technicians, salary not keeping up with debt load, practices growing faster than DVM production which puts pressure on labor market, and pet numbers growing slower than DVM growth which constrains DVM wages. AVMA will host roundtables to drill down on workforce needs and challenges. Boots on-the-ground expertise is needed here, so keep an eye out for opportunities to join the discussion.
FDA finalized and published Guidance for Industry (GFI) #256 which describes the agency’s approach to situations where veterinarians need access to unapproved drugs compounded from bulk drug substances
(BDS) to provide appropriate care for the medical needs of the diverse species they treat when no FDA-approved (including conditionally approved) or indexed drug can be used to treat the animal. This means FDA is granting use of drugs compounding from FDA-approved animal and human bulk drug substances list. The good news is it places few restrictions on patient-specific prescriptions for nonfood-producing species. There is a call for nominations to attempt to get bulk drug substances (BDS) on the FDA list for use. Consult the Appendix of GFI #256 for needed information and submit our request for AVMA assistance to compounding@avma.org.
While politics are pretty polarized right now, AVMA PAC remains non-partisan. The AVMA works with those in congress that want to work with AVMA on veterinary issues. AVMA will remain dedicated to veterinary issues only, because for the long haul for our profession it’s important remain in the center aisle. Veterinarians need to be the cause of the good change, not at the effect of someone else’s change. We need to advocate for the protection of our profession. AVMA is attempting to expand grass tops and grass roots capabilities, grow the PAC, continue to improve the quality of interactions with state and allied VMAs.
ByLaws Amendment Proposal
The ByLaws Committee has proposed a change to Article 1, Section 1, regarding Active Members. This section currently reads:
Section 1. Active Members. An Active Member shall be a graduate of a college or school of veterinary medicine accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association and shall reside in the State of Hawaii.
To align with current Hawaii veterinary licensing requirements of the Hawaii Board of Veterinary Medicine (recently updated with the passage of SB2798 CD 1 in 2022), the proposal is to change Article 1, Section 1 to read:
Section 1. Active Members. An Active Member shall be a graduate of a veterinary college meeting all the standards established by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education or a foreign college of veterinary medicine who has successfully completed the requirements established by the American Veterinary Medical Association Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates or the American Association of Veterinary State Boards Program for the Assessment of
Veterinary Education Equivalence, and shall reside in the State of Hawaii.
The ByLaws amendment will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting on Nov 12, 2022.
Veterinarians Key to Honey Bee Antibiotic Prescriptions
By Frances Hegarty, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Apiary Program Coordinator and State Apiarist
Honey Bees and Veterinarians: Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobials
The Veterinary Feed Directive Final Rule requires a prescription, or a Veterinary Feed Directive order before a beekeeper may administer an antibiotic to their honey bees. This requirement is consistent with the One Health approach to judiciously use medically important antimicrobials to protect animal and human health. The concern about antimicrobial resistance has been linked to beekeepers attempting to treat their hives for European Foulbrood (from the bacterium Melissococcus plutonius.) For example, State Apiarists in the U.S. and Provincial Apiarists in Canada have received anecdotal reports in 2022 of European Foulbrood infections that appear to be resistant to antibiotics. Currently, the available antibiotics are generally considered as a last resort for treatment of EFB, and they should not be administered prophylactically. Hence, if a beekeeper contacts a veterinarian requesting treatment for EFB, confirmation of the disease should occur prior to issuing a prescription.
Another honey bee disease of specific regulatory concern is American Foulbrood, a disease caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae. If AFB is confirmed to be present in a hive, prescriptions should not be issued for this incurable disease. DATCP often works with beekeepers to issue pest abatement orders when AFB is found so that infected hives can be destroyed before the disease spreads.
In the early half of the 20th century, AFB caused a great deal of destruction for beekeepers. It affects the prepupae and pupae (or brood) of the beehive and is spread by the honey bees as they fly or if beekeepers move hives or used beekeeping equipment. The bacterium can persist on used equipment for decades. When AFB is detected in a hive, it must be destroyed, often by burning hives and equipment, as antibiotics merely mask the symptoms of AFB, rather than curing it. See the Honey Bee Health Coalition’s Managing Foulbrood Guide (bit.ly/FBrood) for more information.
Honey Bees and the DATCP Apiary Program
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are crucial to agriculture for producing honey, pollen, and other hive products, pollinating more than 100 commercially grown crops and contributing to Wisconsin’s beautiful scenery through wildflower pollination. The DATCP Apiary Program (bit.ly/ApiaryProg) operates under State of Wisconsin laws and rules to detect and reduce the risk of potential spread of honey bee pests or diseases. The program includes outreach and education, voluntary honey bee hive inspections, and the enforcement of applicable regulations. In cases related to regulated honey bee pests or diseases, stepped enforcement can include identifying the pest or disease in the field through a field or lab test, working with the beekeeper to achieve voluntary hive destruction, or ordering hive destruction if required.
Connecting With Wisconsin Beekeepers and DATCP
If you are a veterinarian with interest and experience with beekeeping, sign up with the Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium (hbvc.org) on their “Find a Bee Vet” page, so that beekeepers can easily find you. The Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium refers beekeepers, other veterinarians, and state agencies to this resource when locating a Wisconsin veterinarian who offers beekeeping expertise.
5. Pharmacy Board Updates
Veterinary Medical Board Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee Meeting
The MDC reviewed the changes it made in response to comments received during the last meeting. The latest amendments can be found here. The highlights include:
The main change is allowing vet techs to compound under direct supervision of a veterinarian.
Adds a definition for “immediate use”, which is defined as within four hours.
There was a long conversation to clarify how the master formula form and unique formula code would be used. It was clarified that a unique formula code would only be required for each unique compounded preparation, not each prescription or even each batch.
Some questions were raised about recording the equipment used, which is a USP element. They are considering removing it or requiring only special equipment. Calculation of the expiration date would be 30 days for sterile unless any ingredient has a shorter shelf life, and 180 days for non-sterile.
The master formula document changed from “shall” to “may” to allow veterinarians to use technology to record the information in the medical record.
Concerns were raised about relying solely on the unique formula code without a name. The recommendation is to remove the unique formula code and rely solely on the name.
They discussed removing the definition of “master formula form” over concerns it was too specific of a regulation, which could cause problems. Instead, they just want to emphasize that the necessary information must be recorded in either a master formula doc OR in a medical record, either is fine.
Under 2094. Labeling of compounded preparations would also have to remove the unique formula code since it is recommended to be removed entirely.
Continuing 2094. Labeling of compounded preparations
Discussion of b3 continued, reiterated recommendation to remove lot number and control number since they don’t help identify the compounder. Pushback since they are current law, similar to equipment (following USP standards). But the recommendation is to remove them.
Lastly, a recommendation to remove the allowance of the veterinarian’s initials since it doesn’t fully identify the vet, requiring name only.
The changes were adopted and will be forwarded to the board for the next iteration.
Can LA DVM Prescribe Controlled Drug to Former Client Out of State
The Board was asked whether it was proper to issue a prescription for patient anxiety where the client/patient had recently moved out of state and were temporarily unable to see a veterinarian in their new locale. The client was referred to the requirements that a VCPR be established and maintained when issuing a controlled drug. In order to maintain the VCPR, there must be sufficient knowledge of the condition of the patient and while there is no hard and fast rule regarding the lapse of time where the patient was last seen by the veterinarian and the prescription was requested, all factors must be considered in exercising sound professional judgment on whether the VCPR has been adequately maintained.