MONTH 2022 Jurisdiction Update
Monthly reports share short summary highlights of tracked legislative bills and rules & regulations that have seen recent activity, as well as available board and state VMA updates.
There are two report views available! The August 2022 Conventional Report sorts the same reported items by activity and topic.

Updates by Jurisdiction
Dermatology Skills CE
September 18, 2022
Coastal Alabama Cc / Bay Minette, Al / 9a – 12p
The ALVMA is happy to announce that they will be providing new Hands-on Skill Sessions! This year’s topic is Dermatology and will be presented by Dr. Tomeshia Hubbard. The sessions will be held on April 24th and September 18th. Space will be limited.
Food Animal Veterinary Conference
February 24-26, 2023
Marriott Resort Auburn-Opelika Grand National
Don’t miss the premier conference for Alabama food animal veterinarians, technicians, and veterinary students.
Attendee Registration Opens: 10/01/2022
Vendor Registration Opens: 08/15/2022
AKVMA signs onto the Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care – Find out More About the Telehealth Coalition Here
Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care
Relationships first. Technology forward.
Technology offers great possibilities for enhancing veterinary patient care – and much of its potential remains unrealized. This presents our profession with a challenge: How can we increase awareness of the benefits of telehealth and encourage more veterinarians to use tools of telehealth in practice?
AVMA believes the answer lies in a collaborative, grassroots approach. That’s why we are a lead partner in the Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care, an alliance of veterinary and animal health organizations united to empower veterinarians to explore and integrate tools of telehealth into their practices in ways that work for them. Why? To better serve patients, clients, veterinary teams, and practices in a variety of ways:
- Strengthen relationships among practices, clients, and patients
- Improve continuity in patient care
- Fully engage technology to advance care
- Enhance practice efficiency
Working together, the Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care provides advocacy and resources that respect the integrity of the veterinarian-client-patient relationship and support the way veterinarians practice.
Coalition members
American Veterinary Medical Association
American Association of Avian Pathologists
American Association of Bovine Practitioners
American Association of Equine Practitioners
American Association of Swine Veterinarians
National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America
Veterinary Study Groups
American Heartworm Society
Independent Veterinary Practitioners Association
CATalyst Council
Alaska Veterinary Medical Association
Florida Veterinary Medical Association
Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association
Michigan Veterinary Medical Association
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association
Mississippi Veterinary Medical Association
Missouri Veterinary Medical Association
Nevada Veterinary Medical Association
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association
North Dakota Veterinary Medical Association
Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association
South Carolina Association of Veterinarians
Texas Veterinary Medical Association
Vermont Veterinary Medical Association
Virginia Veterinary Medical Association
Washington State Veterinary Medical Association
National Veterinary Associates
Animal Health Institute
Boehringer Ingelheim
Merck Animal Health
Midwest Veterinary Supply
For More Information
Mark Rosati
Phone: 847-313-9597
Cell: 847-313-9597
For Immediate Release: 08/18/2022
Application window opens September 1, 2022
(SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS) August 18, 2022—A new scholarship program to support students in veterinary technician programs was announced today by the Zoetis Foundation and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF).
The Zoetis Foundation Veterinary Technician Scholarship program will provide $1,000 scholarships to up to 270 students. This program is funded by a grant from the Zoetis Foundation and will be managed by the AVMF.
“The Zoetis Foundation is thrilled to support the AVMF through a grant to recognize student leadership and promote diversity among future veterinary technicians by helping to offset the significant costs associated with education,” said Jeannette Ferran Astorga, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainability at Zoetis and President of the Zoetis Foundation. “The new scholarships advance our commitments to veterinary education and support for people who care for animals.”
“We are honored for the opportunity to partner with the Zoetis Foundation in supporting our veterinary technicians through the creation of the Zoetis Foundation Veterinary Technician Scholarship,” said Dr. Jose Arce, Chair of the AVMF and Immediate Past President of the American Veterinary Medical Association. “Veterinary technicians are an integral part of veterinary medicine and our animal care teams, and these scholarships will allow veterinary technology students to cover some of the costs associated with their education.”
Applicants must be enrolled full-time in an AVMA-accredited veterinary technology, veterinary nursing, or animal health technology program in the United States or Puerto Rico, and be in good academic standing according to their institution’s policies. To apply, eligible students must visit VetVance.com. The application period is from September 1-October 7, 2022. For more information about the scholarship program and criteria, please visit avma.org/scholarships.
About the Zoetis Foundation
The Zoetis Foundation supports communities and the people who care for animals, with a specific focus on advancing opportunities for veterinarians and farmers around the world. The Foundation’s grantmaking and strategic efforts help provide access to education and mental wellness resources, expand veterinary debt relief, support diversity and inclusion efforts, and enable thriving livelihoods by funding programs that help veterinary practices and livestock farmers adopt sustainable business practices. To learn more about the Foundation, please visit: www.zoetisfoundation.org.
About the American Veterinary Medical Foundation
The American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) is the charitable arm of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), one of the oldest and largest veterinary medical organizations in the world. For almost 60 years, the AVMF has been dedicated to developing resources to advance the science and practice of veterinary medicine to improve animal and human health. Foundation programs and activities are designed to benefit veterinary medicine, promote animal welfare, and enhance research so that the profession is better prepared to deal with difficult problems facing animal health today and tomorrow. Charitable contributions and support to the Foundation assist veterinarians and the entire veterinary healthcare team help animals. Our funding priorities include Education, Disaster Relief, Crisis Support, Charitable Veterinary Care, and Animal Health Research.
About the AVMA
Serving more than 99,500 member veterinarians, the AVMA is the nation’s leading representative of the veterinary profession, dedicated to improving the health and well-being of animals, humans, and the environment. Founded in 1863 and with members in every U.S. state and territory and more than 60 countries, the AVMA is one of the largest veterinary medical organizations in the world. Informed by our members’ unique scientific training and clinical knowledge, the AVMA supports the crucial work of veterinarians and advocates for policies that advance the practice of veterinary medicine and improve animal and human health.
British Columbia
Registrar Policy: Recognition of International Jurisdictions for Temporary Registration Applications
The Deputy Registrar reviewed that eligibility for temporary registration with the CVBC requires current registration in a jurisdiction “recognized by the Registrar”. This policy is intended to establish the criteria that are assessed in this decision process, for clarity and transparency to applicants, registrants, and staff. The draft policy establishes that the standard criterion will be current licensure in a jurisdiction that has an AVMA-accredited veterinary school within its borders. However, the policy does not preclude an applicant from presenting an argument for other information to be considered by the Registrar. While the policy is new, there have been several instances in recent years when the Registrar has needed to consider this question, and the policy is consistent with the decisions that have been made to date.
While the Council President does not have a problem accepting the policy, she does note that while some jurisdictions may have one AVMA accredited school, they might also have several other schools that aren’t and wonders why that was chosen as a discerning line. Dr. Thomas explained that most countries that have multiple veterinary schools are broken up into smaller geographic areas (such as states or provinces) and each region has its own regulatory body – we would be recognizing the particular jurisdiction with the accredited school, not the entire country.
Council agrees that although this is not something that comes up often, it is good to have a policy in place, so the College is not making or seen to be making arbitrary decisions but rather has a thoughtful plan in place
MOTION: To approve the Registrar Policy: Recognition of International Jurisdictions for Temporary Registration Applications as presented.
News Release: College of Veterinarians of BC Embarks on Major Revision of Public Complaints Process
“A major revision of the College of Veterinarians of BC public complaints process is about to get underway as a result of a comprehensive review by Harry Cayton, an international expert on professional governance and regulation, and Greg Cavouras, a BC lawyer who practises in the areas of administrative law and professional regulation.
The Cayton Review and Report on Complaints Process of the College of Veterinarians of BC was commissioned in October 2021 by the College and was accepted by the CVBC Council on April 29, 2022. Since that time the College has been working with Council, staff, and committee members in order to develop an action plan to support implementation of the report recommendations.
The Review is available for viewing at: A Review and Report on the Complaints Process for the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia
Further Backgrounders are available at links below:
1) Report Executive Summary
2) The Standards of Good Regulations for Complaints
3) Biographies of the Reviewers
4) Initial Action Plan”
Hazardous Materials
CA AB2059: Hazardous materials business and area plans: consumer products: recordkeeping. 25507. (a) Except as provided in this article, a business shall establish and implement a business plan for an emergency response to a release or threatened release of hazardous material in accordance with the standards prescribed in the regulations adopted pursuant to Section 25503 if the business meets any of the following conditions at any unified program facility:
5. It handles at any one time during the reporting year cryogenic, refrigerated, or compressed gas in a quantity of 1,000 cubic feet or more at standard temperature and pressure, if the gas is any of the following:
(A) Classified as a hazard for the purposes of Section 5194 of Title 8 of the California Code of
Regulations only for hazards due to simple asphyxiation or the release of pressure.
(B) Oxygen, nitrogen, or nitrous oxide ordinarily maintained by a physician, dentist, podiatrist,
veterinarian, pharmacist, or emergency medical service provider at their place of business.
(C) Carbon dioxide.
(D) A nonflammable refrigerant gas, as defined in the California Fire Code, that is used in a refrigeration
(E) A gas that is used in a closed fire suppression system.
This bill has crossed over and been ordered to third read.
Practitioners General
CA AB1662 This bill would authorize a prospective applicant that has been convicted of a crime to submit to a board a request for a pre-application determination that includes information provided by the prospective applicant regarding their criminal conviction. The bill would require a board that receives that request to determine if the prospective applicant would be disqualified from licensure by the board based on the information submitted with the request, and deliver that determination to the prospective applicant.
Non-Economic Damages Related
CA AB1881 states that (a) Dogs and cats have the right to be respected as sentient beings that experience complex feelings that are common among living animals while being unique to each individual animal…(g) Ownership or guardianship of a companion animal requires an investment of time and resources. Selecting a companion animal that is suited to one’s home and lifestyle will lead to a more rewarding relationship between guardian and animal while reducing relinquished or abandoned animals in our communities. (h) Dogs and cats thrive with regular enrichment to maintain their physical and emotional well-being… (a) Dogs and cats have the right to be free from exploitation, cruelty, neglect, and abuse. (b) Dogs and cats have the right to a life of comfort, free of fear and anxiety. (c) Dogs and cats have the right to daily mental stimulation and appropriate exercise. (d) Dogs and cats have the right to nutritious food, sanitary water, and shelter in an appropriate and safe environment. (e) Dogs and cats have the right to preventive and therapeutic health care. (f) Dogs and cats have the right to be properly identified through tags, microchips, or other humane means. (g) Dogs and cats have the right to be spayed and neutered to prevent unwanted litter.
Veterinary – Cannabis
CA AB1885 requires the Veterinary Board to adopt guidelines by 01/01/24, or veterinarians to follow when recommending cannabis within the veterinarian-client-patient-relationship and would require the board to post the guidelines on its internet website.
CA SB879 bans toxicological experiments on cats and dogs for pesticides and food additives.
Reportable/Zoonotic Diseases
CA SB1029 creates the One Health Program and requires the State Department of Public Health and the Department of Food and Agriculture to jointly establish and administer the One Health Program for the purpose of developing a framework for interagency coordination in responding to zoonotic diseases and reducing hazards to human and nonhuman animal health, in accordance with the One Health principles set forth by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CA SB1495 adds an Organization or a National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America-Recognized Veterinary Specialty to licensing qualifications.
California Veterinarian
Vol 76 | No. 04 | August 2022
Veterinarian, Veterinarian Technician, Veterinarian Euthanasia Technician
The new Veterinary Technician and Euthanasia Technicians regulations became effective Friday, August 6, 2021. At this time, the DC Department of Health will not be issuing registrations until the process is in place.
The Department of Health is currently creating the platform by which individuals can submit an application for registration as either a Veterinary Technician or a Veterinary Euthanasia Technician. Once the platform is available, there will be a grace period for which individuals will need to come into full compliance.
Mr. Matteo Lieb stated that the DC Council is in recess from July 15, 2022, until September 20, 2022, so in terms of legislative activity, things shut down. We are at the end of a Council period which ends at the end of this year. We anticipate that there is going to be a flurry of legislative activity between once they return in September through the end of the year. One of those bills could be a large animal control omnibus piece of legislation. He will not have any updates on that until the Council comes back.
In terms of legislative updates, there was a piece of legislation passed as an amendment to a bill called the HIV AIDS Data Privacy Protection Amendment Act that gives boards greater flexibility for evaluating criminal history so now boards have that, and applicants are no longer able to ask for a predetermination hearing when they are looking into licensure.
Mr. Lieb also stated that as the District continues to grapple its healthcare workforce issues, they are looking at a whole host of innovative ways to tackle that. The Mayor has convened a healthcare workforce task force with leaders across the District.
DC Health also worked to introduce and then get passed a bill called High Need Healthcare Career Scholarship and Healthcare Loan Repayment Program Emergency Act so that Bill expands our existing Health Professional Loan Repayment Program and creates a Healthcare Career Scholarship program.
The scholarship program is not for veterinary professionals but includes things like nursing, assistant personnel, EMTs, etc.
Dr. Dan Teich added that we do not have in-state education opportunities for veterinary technicians. He said that we do not have a veterinary medicine program in the District. It is a crisis that we need to address.
Mr. Lieb stated that the University of District of Columbia (UDC) has a Veterinary Assistant program, but he is not sure if those veterinary assistants would be capable to fill in the vacant positions in the District.
Practice Pulse: August 2022
August 9, 2022, | Features
One of the benefits of FVMA membership is our Helpline, which is available to all members Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Members can ask any business, legal, or professional questions and get timely answers to their most pressing concerns.
We highlight many of these questions in each issue of FVMA Advocate to keep members up to date on any regulatory or legislative changes and answer frequently asked questions. Here’s a short preview of some of the recent questions our members asked.
How long must we keep medical records?
The DBPR, Rule 61G18-18.002(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides that you must keep records three years from the date of last entry, including X-rays.
61G18-18.002 Maintenance of Medical Records. (1) There must be an individual medical record maintained on every patient examined or administered to by the veterinarian, except as provided in (2) below, for a period of not less than three years after date of last entry. The medical record shall contain all clinical information pertaining to the patient with sufficient information to justify the diagnosis or determination of health status and warrant any treatment recommended or administered.
We are hoping to understand, specifically regarding dental extractions, what the staff may perform under the supervision of the attending DVM. The guidelines are fuzzy, and we are hoping to clearly understand what their boundaries are.
The Board’s rule on tasks that may be delegated specifically fails to list tasks that can be delegated. So, there is no specific rule we can point to that states a technician cannot perform extractions. Keeping in mind that the veterinarian remains responsible for any task delegated, the answer then is that it is up to the veterinarian whether to delegate (or not) that task. That will take into consideration the experience/training/certification of the technician, so it is on a case-by-case basis.
A quick review of other states’ regulations shows that some states specifically prohibit veterinary technicians from extracting teeth, but the majority do allow (or do not specifically prohibit it, like Florida).
It seems that the best answer is that a technician can extract loose teeth but should not extract teeth under anesthesia. If the veterinarian feels that an individual technician can extract teeth, that would be up to the veterinarian. No veterinarian should delegate to a technician the “surgery” aspect as defined in the statute.
I had a practitioner in our area who recently retired and asked what the recommended time frame for a practitioner to continue to carry liability insurance in case of a claim that arises post-retirement for a case the practitioner was managing before retirement.
The statute of limitations for professional services malpractice is two years. Carrying malpractice for two years after retirement would cover this. This is called “tail coverage,” which is less costly considering the veterinarian is no longer actively practicing.
Legislative Update
SB2798 was signed into law by the governor in June. This bill amends the veterinary practice law in Hawaii to better define the practice and parameters of veterinary medicine and veterinary telemedicine to protect consumers and their pets from inadequate, improper, or unlicensed veterinary care. This bill also helps to address the shortage of licensed veterinarians in Hawaii by allowing the temporary permitting of out-of-state veterinarians, providing for international veterinary school graduates to qualify for licensure examination in Hawaii, and extending the amount of time that out-of-state veterinarians may practice in Hawaii while awaiting their licensing exam date. The HVMA is grateful for support from the American Veterinary Medical Association and across the state from multiple organizations, legislators, and individual citizens to help push this bill across the finish line.
Rulemaking and House/Senate Files
At the June meeting, a written summary of the June 14th Administrative Rules Review Committee was provided. The Administrative Rules Review Committee approved the emergency rulemaking for the Board to address the VCPR/emergency services issue. The rule was filed following the meeting and became effective immediately. While the rule is in effect, this rulemaking will also be going through the usual public comment procedures. All comments are due on August 2, 2022. The Board would be able to adopt the final version of the rule as soon as August 17. Changes can be made to the rule but must largely be non-substantive (otherwise it will need to go back through a public comment period again). The final version of the rule can be effective as early as mid-late October.
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy amended its rule relating to compounded preparations distributed to veterinarians for office stock. The Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine would like to invite a representative from the Iowa Board of Pharmacy to a meeting to discuss the changes to their rule, how it applies to Iowa veterinarians, and whether the new rule is in conflict with AMDUCA, USDA and FDA guidance document 256.
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy amended its rule relating to compounded preparations distributed to veterinarians for office stock. The rule was discussed at the Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine meeting and the board would like to invite a representative from the Iowa Board of Pharmacy to a meeting to discuss the changes to their rule, how it applies to Iowa veterinarians, and whether the new rule is in conflict with AMDUCA, USDA and FDA guidance document 256.
Regulatory Project 2022-01 ~ LAC 46LXXXV.303.803 – NAVLE waiver, VTNE waiver, & RVT State Board Exam Requirement Rule 1015. The Notice of Intent concerning the amendments to LAC 46LXXXV.303.803 were available prior to the public hearing via the Board website, the Louisiana Boards and Commissions website, in the Louisiana Register – April Edition, and via email notification to all licensees and other interested parties.
Following the June 2 Board meeting in which the Board amended the original Notice of Intent, the Board conducted a second public hearing on July 14, 2022. There were no written comments received and no parties other than the aforementioned LVMA representative attended this second public hearing.
Minnesota Board of Animal Health
Current Rulemaking Updated: Advisory Committee Report released for:
Rule Number(s) Minnesota Rules chapters 1721.0370 to 1721.0420. Revisor No. R-04649
Subject Matter: Amending the rules governing Farmed Cervidae.
Brief Rule Summary: The proposed rules would incorporate changes made by the Minnesota legislature in 2019 to Minnesota Statute §35.155. The Board is considering additional amendments to clarify ambiguities in current regulations, better help the agency prevent and control disease, allow the Board to more effectively address and respond to detections of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) positive farmed Cervids, and support compliance with state and federal requirements for farmed Cervidae.
The Board will prepare rules drafts and when drafts are available, will publish them on its rulemaking page and make them available to the public upon request before formally proposing the rules. When the board members approve a final proposed rules draft, the Board will publish it in the State Register with a Notice of Intent, and a second formal comment period will open.
Anticipated timeline and related materials for remaining rulemaking as of June 2021:
LCB File No. R083-22
The Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners filed a proposal LCB File No. R082-22
A REGULATION relating to veterinary medicine; setting forth certain surgical procedures which must be performed by a licensed veterinarian; prohibiting a veterinary technician or a veterinarian technician from performing certain acts; revising certain definitions; revising certain fees relating to veterinary medicine; revising certain provisions relating to fees and remittances; revising provisions relating to continuing education; revising provisions relating to medical records; prohibiting a veterinarian from making certain false or misleading statements; revising provisions relating to the abandonment of animals; revising certain tasks that may be performed by a veterinary assistant; revising provisions relating to mobile clinics; revising the definition of “animal chiropractic”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Legislative Counsel’s Digest:
Existing law authorizes the Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of law relating to veterinary medicine. (NRS 638.070)
Existing law defines the “practice of veterinary medicine,” which includes performing surgery on an animal and authorizes the Board to prescribe certain acts as accepted livestock management practices to which the provisions of chapter 638 of NRS do not apply. (NRS 638.008, 638.015) Section 2 of this regulation provides that only a licensed veterinarian may perform surgery to remove an ovum from an animal, implant an ovum into an animal, or implant an embryo into an animal. Section 2 further provides that the owner of an animal or a person acting under the direction of the owner of an animal may use nonsurgical means to artificially inseminate an animal or remove an embryo from an animal by flushing as such practices are accepted livestock management practices.
Existing law sets forth certain acts involving fraud, deception, malpractice, negligence, or incompetence that may be grounds for disciplinary action. (NRS 638.140-638.1408) Section 3 of this regulation prohibits a veterinary technician or veterinary technician in training from performing certain acts that are fraudulent or deceptive or that constitute malpractice, negligence, or incompetence.
Existing regulations define the term “emergency” to mean an animal has a condition that threatens its life and immediate treatment is necessary to sustain life. (NAC 638.007) Section 4 of this regulation provides instead, that the term “emergency” means a situation in which the life of an animal is threatened and immediate treatment or medical advice is necessary.
Existing regulations require the Board to charge and collect certain fees relating to licensure, registration, and permits to practice veterinary medicine. (NAC 638.035) Section 5 of this regulation requires the Board to charge and collect one-half of such fees for active members of, and the spouses of active members of, the Armed Forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof, or the National Guard.
Existing regulations require that fees and remittances be paid by money order, bank draft, check, or in currency or coin. (NAC 638.040) Section 6 of this regulation eliminates the option to pay by currency or coin.
Existing regulations provide that the Board will approve a course of continuing education that is provided or approved by certain organizations. (NAC 638.042) Section 7 of this regulation provides that the Board will also approve courses provided or approved by: (1) a board that licenses veterinarians or veterinary technicians in another state; or (2) an association or organization consisting of veterinarians or veterinary technicians that is organized on a statewide basis in another state or on a regional basis.
Existing regulations provide that the Board will grant credit for continuing education to a licensed veterinarian or a licensed veterinary technician for attending a portion of a Board meeting relating to complaints before the Board. (NAC 638.0432) Section 8 of this regulation instead provides the Board will grant credit for attending a meeting of the Board.
Existing regulations require each licensed veterinarian to maintain medical records for each animal receiving veterinary services. Existing regulations require that each medical record contain notes taken during surgery, including specific information relating to the vital signs of the animal. (NAC 638.0475) Section 9 of this regulation requires that if the information relating to the vital signs of an animal was generated by an automated device, the medical record must contain a statement indicating that the information was reviewed and analyzed by a veterinarian or veterinary technician at the time the information was generated.
Existing laws and regulations provide a list of specific acts a veterinarian is prohibited from performing. (NRS 638.070; NAC 638.048) Section 10 of this regulation prohibits a veterinarian from: (1) making a false or misleading statement on an application for licensure or registration with the Board, including renewal applications; and (2) making a false or misleading statement to a staff member of the Board, a member of the Board or the Board during an investigation or disciplinary action.
Existing regulations provide that an animal is deemed abandoned when the animal is delivered to a veterinarian pursuant to a written or oral agreement between the veterinarian and the owner of the animal or person delivering the animal and the animal is not claimed within 10 days after the day on which the animal was due to be claimed. Existing regulations authorize veterinarians to dispose of abandoned animals in a humane manner after sending notice to the owner of the animal or person who delivered the animal. (NAC 638.051) Section 11 of this regulation provides that an animal is deemed abandoned if: (1) the animal is left with the veterinarian or veterinary facility by a person whose identity is unknown or who cannot be contacted; (2) the owner or person who delivered the animal has not paid or claimed the animal; or (3) the owner or person who delivered the animal relinquishes ownership of the animal. Section 11 also: (1) provides that a veterinarian or veterinary facility may treat or decline to treat an abandoned animal and dispose of an abandoned animal in a humane manner; (2) requires the veterinarian or veterinary facility to notify the owner or person who delivered the animal before disposing of the animals if the identity of the owner or person is known; and (3) requires a veterinarian or veterinary facility to maintain a record for each abandoned animal that contains certain information about the animal.
Existing regulations provide a list of tasks that a veterinary assistant is authorized to perform under the supervision of a supervising veterinarian or a licensed veterinary technician. (NAC 638.06025) Section 12 of this regulation adds cold laser therapy to the list of such tasks.
Existing regulations require a mobile clinic, to have certain equipment and storage areas depending on whether the mobile clinic is used by a veterinarian whose practice is limited to large animals. (NAC 638.0635) Section 13 of this regulation instead provides that the equipment and storage areas that a mobile clinic must have or must have access to depends on whether the mobile clinic will be used as an examination and treatment site.
Existing regulations define the term “animal chiropractic” to mean the examination and treatment of a nonhuman animal through the manipulation and adjustment of specific joints and cranial sutures of the animal. (NAC 638.800) Section 14 of this regulation revises this definition to mean the examination and treatment of a nonhuman animal that is noninvasive, nonsurgical, drug-free, and which seeks to treat and manage musculoskeletal disorders that affect the joints, discs, soft tissue, and nerves that are biomechanical in nature.
New Hampshire
Plc 1002 becomes effective August 8, 2022, and reads as follows:
Plc 1002.44 Application Fees for Professions Regulated by the Board of Veterinary Medicine. The following application processing fees shall apply to the professions regulated by the board of veterinary medicine under RSA 332-B:
Application processing: initial, renewal, or reinstatement of veterinarian 2 years $155 license
New Jersey
Notice of Readoption: Controlled Dangerous Substances Rules
Effective Date: June 28, 2022.
New Expiration Date: June 28, 2029.
Take notice that the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs (Division) is readopting N.J.A.C. 13:45H without change. These rules were scheduled to expire on August 5, 2022, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1.
Subchapter 1 sets forth the registration requirements related to controlled dangerous substances. Subchapter 2 sets forth security requirements to guard against theft and diversion of controlled dangerous substances. Subchapter 3 sets forth record labeling and packaging requirements for controlled dangerous substances. Subchapter 4 is a reserved subchapter. Subchapter 5 sets forth recordkeeping and reporting requirements for registrants. Subchapter 6 sets forth standards for ordering controlled dangerous substances, preserving used order forms, and safeguarding unused order forms. Subchapter 7 sets forth prescription requirements for controlled dangerous substances.
Subchapter 8 contains miscellaneous provisions related to definitions; application of State and other Federal law; exceptions to regulations; distribution by a dispenser to another practitioner or reverse distributor; manufacture and distribution of narcotic solutions and compounds by a pharmacist; distribution to supplier; distribution upon discontinuance or transfer of business; distribution to ocean vessels or aircraft; incidental manufacture of controlled substances; the procedure for disposing of controlled substances; registrant return or recall; reverse distributor authorized activities; notification from registrants authorized to collect controlled substances; the Native American Church; and humane societies and animal care facilities.
Subchapter 9 is a reserved subchapter. Subchapter 10 contains the schedules of controlled dangerous substances. Subchapter 11 sets forth the requirements for narcotic treatment programs.
In compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1, the Director, in consultation with the Division’s Drug Control Unit, undertook a thorough review of the existing provisions at N.J.A.C. 13:45H. The Director believes that the rules are necessary, reasonable, understandable, and responsive to the purposes for which they were originally promulgated, as required by Executive Order No. 66 (1978). Therefore, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 24:21-9, and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1.c(1), these rules are readopted without change and shall continue in effect for a seven-year period.
New York
Veterinary Devocalization
NY S09526 exempts pet food from the sales tax. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “pet food” means food which is prepared and distributed for consumption by pets. For the purposes of this paragraph, “pet” means any domesticated animal normally maintained in or near the household of the owner thereof.
New Rule Seeks To Clarify Information Required in Veterinarians’ Records
The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME) has adopted a completely revised version of its patient recordkeeping rule, Texas Administrative Code Section 573.52. The new rule, which went into effect on August 16, is modeled after the rule used by the Ohio Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for practitioners in that state. Board members have stated over the past few months that the previous Texas rule had become too cumbersome and difficult for veterinarians to understand, making them susceptible to unintended violations of recordkeeping requirements. TBVME attempted to address the problem by proposing changes in January.
However, following substantial negative feedback from TVMA and veterinarians, TBVME decided that, rather than amending its old rule, adopting a simplified model from another state would be a better approach. The newly adopted rule is the result of that process.
Like the old rule, the new version lists certain examination findings and patient information that must be included in veterinarians’ records, most of which practitioners likely already include in their regular course of business. However, there are some differences between the old rule and the new one, and veterinarians should be aware:
- If it is required for diagnosis or treatment and is not difficult to obtain, records now must include the patient’s weight (actual or estimated), temperature, pulse, respiration, and any additional findings needed for diagnosis. As we did when this rule was first proposed in January, TVMA objected to inclusion of pulse and respiration rates because practitioners have noted that, typically, they are not useful in making a diagnosis. In adopting this requirement anyway, TBVME stated that the conditional language in bold above clearly allows a veterinarian the latitude to practice medicine as they see fit. The Board goes on to state that the new rule does not require a veterinarian to record information they determine is not required for diagnosis or treatment or where it is difficult to obtain. The bottom line for practitioners is that they should always note any factor that is relevant to their decisions relating to diagnosis and treatment of a particular patient.
- The new rule requires records to include “anesthesia monitoring performed during surgical procedures.” TVMA objected to this requirement on the grounds that it is often difficult for surgeons operating solo to free up their aseptic hands to record real-time monitoring data or to recall each time they checked significant data during a procedure. In its statement adopting the new rule over these objections, the Board stated that it gives practitioners large latitude to decide what they want to record. As an example, they stated that a record of a horse castration would be sufficient if it includes the following: the horse’s name, the owner’s name, the doctor’s name, the name of the sedative used, time of surgery, a medical statement of procedure(s) performed and notation of the time at which the horse stood without complication. Additionally, as veterinarians with good recordkeeping practices likely are already doing, any abnormal events occurring during surgery should be noted, as well as the steps taken to address those events.
- Under the new rule, a veterinarian may share their patient’s records with another treating veterinarian upon request, without the need for approval from the client. In most cases, clients are happy to let a veterinarian share their records with another doctor who will be treating their pet. However, practitioners have noted some instances in which owners of aggressive pets do not wish to share the animal’s history with a new veterinarian when they switch providers. Confidentiality rules previously prohibited veterinarians from providing this information to a new veterinarian without the owner’s consent, putting the receiving veterinarian’s staff, patients and clients at risk. The new rule resolves that issue, and TVMA supported this change during the rulemaking process.
- In adopting the Ohio rule, the Board reduced the time that veterinarians must maintain patient records from five years from the date of the last visit to three years from that date.
- In streamlining the rule, the Board removed provisions requiring veterinarians to maintain records that are subject to pending administrative, civil or criminal proceedings for the duration of those proceedings, even if it is beyond the normal retention period. However, TVMA advises members that it is still a best practice to maintain records for the duration of these cases if the veterinarian is aware of such proceedings.
To view the new rule in its entirety, along with the Board’s commentary, click here.
Public Policy – Competency Examination and Assessment Pathways
College Council discussed revisions to the policy statement. The changes to the policy increase transparency for applicants, the profession, and the public about the College’s expectations related to the examination and assessment requirements in Ontario. Following discussion, Council approved the revised policy statement.
Public Policy – Professional Practice Standard on Advertising
Council discussed changes to its standard on advertising which are related to regulatory changes impacting advertising which are in place as of July 1, 2022. The standard was revised to provide continued clarity on the use of their name as it appears on the public register or in their professional corporation, and to remove references to testimonials which is consistent with their removal from regulation. Following discussion, Council approved the revised standard which is now available on the College website.
South Carolina
Drafting Notice: Definitions; Practice Standards for Licensed Veterinary Technicians and Unlicensed Veterinary Aides; Licensure and Examinations for Veterinarians
Notice of Drafting:
The South Carolina Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners is considering proposing amendments to Chapter 120: to define “emergency patient,” “radiography” and “imaging” in R.120-1; to update and clarify R.120-9 regarding the practice standards for licensed veterinary technicians and revise and move practice standards for unlicensed veterinary aides to R.120-8, and to clarify R.120-3 in accordance with the statutes for licensure and examinations for veterinarians. Interested persons may submit written comments to Meredith Buttler, Administrator, Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Post Office Box 11329, Columbia, S.C. 29211-1329.
The purpose of the amendments is to clarify and update the definitions and scope of practice for the licensed veterinary technicians and unlicensed veterinary aides as they relate to the animal health care tasks and supervision levels and to clarify the regulations with regard to the statutes for licensure and examinations for veterinarians.
A legislative review of this amendment is required.
22 TAC §573.52
The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners adopts amendments to §573.52, concerning Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping. These amendments are adopted with changes to the proposed text as published in the June 10, 2022, issue of the Texas Register (47 TexReg 3396). The rule will be republished.
The amendments are adopted, in part, to clarify what information is required for compliance. The amendments also update the rule in keeping with advances in the medical information modalities offered to the animal-owning public and to increase the standards of veterinary medical practice. The changes reflect non-substantive variations from the proposed amendment. The changes affect no new persons, entities, or subjects other than those given notice, and the rule, as adopted, does not impose more stringent requirements that the proposed version.
The following entities furnished written comments on the proposed amendment: Texas Veterinary Medical Association (hereinafter “TVMA”) and several other individual veterinarians.
TVMA and other individual veterinarians’ comments essentially covered the same concerns contending the proposed rule, under subsection (a)(6) Examination Findings, requires the veterinarian to record medical data such as pulse and respiration rate, when the information often times is not useful and it would subject the veterinarian to disciplinary action for failing to record unnecessary information. The Board disagrees because under subsection (a)(6) the rule says, “if required for diagnosis or treatment and is not difficult to obtain,” they would be required to record the listed medical information. The conditional language in the said subsection clearly allows the veterinarian latitude to practice medicine the way they see fit.
Therefore, a veterinarian is not required to record the information they determine is not required for diagnosis or treatment or where it is difficult to obtain.
TVMA and other veterinarians commented against subsection (a)(12), regarding anesthesia monitoring. They contended it is too difficult to free up their aseptic hands to record real-time data or to recall every time they checked significant data. The Board disagrees that requiring basic information under subsections (a)(11) and (a) (12), such as the description of the procedure, the name of the surgeon, type of sedative and anesthetic agent used, route of administration, and dosage, is too much to ask of a medical professional. The requirement is very broad and a basic surgical report. For example, a horse castration would be sufficiently reported by documenting the horse’s name, the owner’s name, the doctor’s name, name of sedative–Ketamine, Xylazine, and Valium–time of surgery, routine castration performed on right lateral recumbency, removed two testicles using an emasculator, and that the horse stood without complications at a time certain. This section in the rule gives large latitude to the practitioner to decide what they want to record.
The amendments are adopted under the authority of §§801.151(b) and 801.151(c) of the Texas Veterinary Licensing Act (Chapter 801, Texas Occupations Code). The Board interprets §801.151(c) as authorizing the agency to protect the public through adopting rules of professional conduct appropriate to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity, skills, and practice in the veterinary medicine profession.
- 573.52.Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping.
(a) A veterinarian performing a physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, or surgery on an animal or
group of animals shall prepare a legibly written record or computer record concerning the animals
containing, at a minimum, the following information:
(1) name, address, and telephone number of the owner;
(2) identity of the species, animal, herd, or flock;
(3) except for herds or flocks, the age, sex, color, and breed;
(4) dates of examination, treatment and surgery;
(5) brief history of the condition of each animal, litter, herd, or flock;
(6) examination findings, if required for diagnosis or treatment and is not difficult to obtain:
(A) weight – actual or estimated;
(B) temperature;
(C) pulse;
(D) respiration; and
(E) any additional findings needed for diagnosis;
(7) laboratory and radiographic tests performed and reports;
(8) differential diagnosis; referrals/consultations; to/with specialists and the client’s response;
(9) procedures performed/treatment given and results;
(10) drugs (and their dosages) administered, dispensed, or prescribed;
(11) surgical procedures shall include a description of the procedure, the name of the surgeon, the type of sedative/anesthetic agent used, the route of administration and the dosage; and
(12) anesthesia monitoring performed during surgical procedures.
(b) Individual records must be maintained on each patient, except that records on livestock
or litters of animals may be maintained on a per-client basis. Records pertaining to these
animals may be kept in a daily log or billing records, provided that the treatment
information is substantial enough to identify these animals and the medical care provided.
(c) Medical records and radiographs are the physical property of the hospital or the proprietor
of the practice that prepared them. Records, including radiographs, must be maintained
for a minimum of three years after the last visit.
(d) Medical records shall be released upon request from a treating veterinarian with a
legitimate interest, and shall be returned to the originating practice within a reasonable
time if requested. Copies of records must be made available upon request from the owner
of an animal at a reasonable cost to the owner and within a reasonable time. A veterinarian
may not withhold the release of veterinary medical records for nonpayment of a professional
(e) All regulated substances shall be recorded as required by federal and/or state regulations.
(f) Any signed acknowledgment required by §§573.14 and 573.16 – 573.18 (relating to all
complementary therapies).
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on July 27, 2022.
New Rule Seeks To Clarify Information Required in Veterinarians’ Records
The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME) has adopted a completely revised version of its patient recordkeeping rule, Texas Administrative Code Section 573.52. The new rule, which went into effect on August 16, is modeled after the rule used by the Ohio Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for practitioners in that state. Board members have stated over the past few months that the previous Texas rule had become too cumbersome and difficult for veterinarians to understand, making them susceptible to unintended violations of recordkeeping requirements. TBVME attempted to address the problem by proposing changes in January.
However, following substantial negative feedback from TVMA and veterinarians, TBVME decided that, rather than amending its old rule, adopting a simplified model from another state would be a better approach. The newly adopted rule is the result of that process.
Like the old rule, the new version lists certain examination findings and patient information that must be included in veterinarians’ records, most of which practitioners likely already include in their regular course of business. However, there are some differences between the old rule and the new one, and veterinarians should be aware:
- If it is required for diagnosis or treatment and is not difficult to obtain, records now must include the patient’s weight (actual or estimated), temperature, pulse, respiration, and any additional findings needed for diagnosis. As we did when this rule was first proposed in January, TVMA objected to inclusion of pulse and respiration rates because practitioners have noted that, typically, they are not useful in making a diagnosis. In adopting this requirement anyway, TBVME stated that the conditional language in bold above clearly allows a veterinarian the latitude to practice medicine as they see fit. The Board goes on to state that the new rule does not require a veterinarian to record information they determine is not required for diagnosis or treatment or where it is difficult to obtain. The bottom line for practitioners is that they should always note any factor that is relevant to their decisions relating to diagnosis and treatment of a particular patient.
- The new rule requires records to include “anesthesia monitoring performed during surgical procedures.” TVMA objected to this requirement on the grounds that it is often difficult for surgeons operating solo to free up their aseptic hands to record real-time monitoring data or to recall each time they checked significant data during a procedure. In its statement adopting the new rule over these objections, the Board stated that it gives practitioners large latitude to decide what they want to record. As an example, they stated that a record of a horse castration would be sufficient if it includes the following: the horse’s name, the owner’s name, the doctor’s name, the name of the sedative used, time of surgery, a medical statement of procedure(s) performed and notation of the time at which the horse stood without complication. Additionally, as veterinarians with good recordkeeping practices likely are already doing, any abnormal events occurring during surgery should be noted, as well as the steps taken to address those events.
- Under the new rule, a veterinarian may share their patient’s records with another treating veterinarian upon request, without the need for approval from the client. In most cases, clients are happy to let a veterinarian share their records with another doctor who will be treating their pet. However, practitioners have noted some instances in which owners of aggressive pets do not wish to share the animal’s history with a new veterinarian when they switch providers. Confidentiality rules previously prohibited veterinarians from providing this information to a new veterinarian without the owner’s consent, putting the receiving veterinarian’s staff, patients and clients at risk. The new rule resolves that issue, and TVMA supported this change during the rulemaking process.
- In adopting the Ohio rule, the Board reduced the time that veterinarians must maintain patient records from five years from the date of the last visit to three years from that date.
- In streamlining the rule, the Board removed provisions requiring veterinarians to maintain records that are subject to pending administrative, civil or criminal proceedings for the duration of those proceedings, even if it is beyond the normal retention period. However, TVMA advises members that it is still a best practice to maintain records for the duration of these cases if the veterinarian is aware of such proceedings.
To view the new rule in its entirety, along with the Board’s commentary, click here.
AVMA House of Delegates Summer Report | WSVMA
The AVMA House of Delegates met on July 28-29 in Philadelphia. The House discussed two hot topics in veterinary medicine during the veterinary information forum. The HOD discussed needed updates to the Model Veterinary Practice Act such as license portability, roles, and supervision of veterinary technicians and assistants, as well as telemedicine. The HOD also discussed the Responsibility to Provide Emergency Care as it pertains to the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
There were 5 resolutions brought forward to the House of Delegates for review. Resolutions will be brought to the House if a new policy is created, or if the Board of Directors determines the policy to be pertinent to the scope of practice.
- Resolution 6 – New Policy on Use of Prescription Drugs in Veterinary Medicine
- This resolution passed.
- Resolution 7 – New Policy on Adverse Event Reporting
- This resolution passed.
- Resolution 8 – Revised Policy on Genetic Modification of Animals in Agriculture
- This resolution passed.
- Resolution 9 – Revised Policy on Approval and Availability of Antimicrobials for Use in Food-Producing Animals
- This resolution passed.
- Resolution 10 – Revised Policy on Raw Milk
- This resolution passed.
Officer Election Results
Officer elections were held. Rena Carlson was elected as President-Elect and Jennifer Quamen was elected as Vice President. The House elected two new members and one incumbent to the House Advisory Committee. Libby Todd (Alabama) will serve a second term and Diana Thome (Washington), and Stuart Brown (AAEP) were both elected for their first term. Other Council elections took place and the results can be found on the AVMA website.
The Board of Directors welcomed new District 1 Director, Amanda Bisol. The new BOD Chair is Ronald Gil, and the new Vice Chair is Charles Lemme.
Three individuals announced their candidacy for AVMA President-Elect: Sanda Faeh Butler, Arnie Goldman, and Bob Murtaugh. This is a historical election with the most candidates to date for AVMA president-elect.
International Dignitaries
AVMA HOD heard from many international dignitaries including the President of the Mexican Veterinary Medical Association, Treasurer of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, President of the World Veterinary Medical Association, President of the Australian Veterinary Association, President of the Canadian Veterinary Association, President of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association, President of Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, President of Japan Medical Association
Journey for Teams
Journey for Teams is an initiative to incorporate DEI actions and thinking into daily life that was launched on July 29th, 2022. There will be webinars and booklets that will help your team with improving diversity in your workplace. All resources can be found at https://www.journeyforteams.org/.
There was an increased interest in telehealth during the pandemic. Now that in-person visits have largely returned, telehealth visits have declined. On July 30th, 2022 AVMA launched a Coalition for Connected Veterinary Care to collaborate across the veterinary and animal health industry to enhance and expand care by leveraging technology, while simultaneously respecting the integrity of the veterinarian-client-patient relationship. The founding members are the AVMA, Veterinary Study Groups, and Merck Animal Health along with more than 30 other veterinary organizations and companies that have signed on so far.
Workforce Issues
AVMA is investigating the causes for workforce shortages, first to identify why there is a shortage so a solution can be identified. Some key factors include underutilization of technicians, salary not keeping up with debt load, practices growing faster than DVM production which puts pressure on the labor market, and pet numbers growing slower than DVM growth which constrains DVM wages. AVMA will host roundtables to drill down on workforce needs and challenges. Boots on the ground expertise is needed here, so keep an eye out for opportunities to join the discussion.
FDA Compounding Guidance
FDA finalized and published Guidance for Industry (GFI) #256 which describes the agency’s approach to situations where veterinarians need access to unapproved drugs compounded from bulk drug substances (BDS) to provide appropriate care for the medical needs of the diverse species they treat when no FDA-approved (including conditionally approved) or indexed drug can be used to treat the animal. This means FDA is granting use of drugs compounding from FDA-approved animal and human bulk drug substances list. The good news is it places few restrictions on patient-specific prescriptions for nonfood-producing species. There is a call for nominations to attempt to get bulk drug substances (BDS) on the FDA list for use. Consult the Appendix of GFI #256 for needed information and submit our request for AVMA assistance to compounding@avma.org.
AVMA Government Relations Division
While politics are pretty polarized right now, AVMA remains non-partisan. The AVMA works with those in congress that want to work with AVMA on veterinary issues. AVMA will remain dedicated to veterinary issues only because for the long haul for our profession it’s important to remain in the center aisle. Veterinarians need to be the cause of the good change, not at the effect of someone else’s change. We need to advocate for the protection of our profession. AVMA is attempting to expand grasstops and grassroots capabilities, grow the PAC, and continue to improve the quality of interactions with state and allied VMAs.
The AVMA Political Action Committee has grown 30% over this time last year. This is an incredible accomplishment, but the new goal is $400k by end of year. Membership support is so important. This money does not stay in PAC bank account; it does no good if it’s not contributed. All of this money goes out to legislators. The PAC website is updated regularly to show where money goes from state to state. PAC funds are distributed on a non-partisan basis focused on veterinary issues only. It’s this historical non-partisan stance that allows AVMA access to both sides of the aisle.
The mission of the AVMF is to raise funds to improve animal health. The AVMF has raised over half a million dollars for Ukraine relief including supplies, care, food, etc. You can visit the website AVMF.org where you can find stories and heartbreaking images of what our colleagues are going through in this part of the world. New this year to the AVMF mission is education. There is an educational debt problem and a workforce shortage, so AVMF plans to award $300,000 in scholarships for veterinary technicians.
AVMA Trust
AVMA trust doubled down its efforts to provide new /better ways to help, recognizing the needs of members at every step of the journey. For practicing DVMs: portability, consent to settle, individual coverage limits, Trust Vets: claims review, advocates, 4000 claims, 1000 calls, Risk mgmt. resources: 13 webinars, 12 publications, and 7 educational blogs. School-based teams at each school to encourage awareness for students. Expanded coverage for students they need during 3rd and 4th year with very simple underwriting: 2 axon webinars, and 5 MyVeterinary Life podcasts. For practice owners: practice healthcare solutions (PHS is a solution-based program), veterinary safety manual, online training, and online reputation mgmt.
AVMA Online Educator Community
The AVMA Online Educator community has continued to grow. Individuals involved in academia and the education of the next generation of our colleagues are invited to join this online educator community. This is a place to exchange ideas, learn about AVMA resources that may make jobs easier, and discuss challenges and opportunities unique to the world of academia.
The next summer convention will be held in Denver from July 14-18, 2023.
By Gary Marshall, WSVMA Alternate Delegate
Rule Changes for Veterinary Professionals Take Effect
The Veterinary Examining Board reminds veterinary professionals that revisions to VE 1-11 took effect 08/01/22. The objective of the change is to make the rules easier to access and understand.
The new rule consolidates the 11 rule chapters into three — one for veterinarians, one for veterinary technicians, and one for the professional assistance program. This also articulates existing rules under the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) by stating the current fee amounts (no change to fee amounts) and adding a chapter on relevant complaint procedures. These changes make the rules more transparent and easier to follow.
Summary of changes
Among the changes is a new rule that medical services can be delegated to certified veterinary technicians and unlicensed assistants by:
- Allowing veterinarians to delegate the placement of intravenous catheters to unlicensed assistants under the direct supervision of the veterinarian present on the premises, per requests from stakeholders.
- Allowing delegation of some services via telehealth technologies (see telehealth changes).
The new rule also adopts the following telehealth regulations:
- Defines telehealth.
- Adds definitions related to veterinary consulting and clarifies that a consulting veterinarian or other consultants may not do any of the following:
- Visit the patient or client or communicate directly with the client without the knowledge of the attending veterinarian.
- Take charge of a case or problem without the consent of the attending veterinarian and the client.
- Clarifies that the practice of veterinary medicine takes place where the animal is located at the time of practice, in alignment with Wis. Stat. §§ 89.05 (1) and 89.02 (6).
- Clarifies that in order to practice veterinary medicine in Wisconsin a veterinarian must be licensed in Wisconsin and have an established veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) with the client. A VCPR must be established via an in-person physical exam, or timely medically appropriate visits to the premises on which the patient is kept. It may not be established by telehealth technologies.
- Clarifies that the VCPR, once established, extends to other veterinarians within the practice, or relief veterinarians within the practice, that have access to, and have reviewed, the medical history and records of the animal.
- Clarifies that records must be kept, regardless of the encounter type.
- Clarifies, in accordance with Wis. Stat. § 89.02(8) (c), that an animal owner must be able to easily seek follow-up care or information from the veterinarian who conducts an encounter while using telehealth technologies.
- Expands the delegation of medical services to allow a veterinarian to delegate the following items to a certified veterinary technician (CVT) if the veterinarian is available to communicate via telehealth technologies within five minutes. Under current rules, these items may only be delegated to a CVT if the veterinarian is personally present on the premises.
- Performing diagnostic radiographic awake contrast studies not requiring general anesthesia.
- Sample collection via a cystocentesis procedure.
- Placement of intravenous catheters.
- Suturing of tubes and catheters.
- Fine needle aspirate of a mass.
Additional information
- The rules can be accessed in their entirety here: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/ve.
- A complete summary of the changes is available here:
Medical Record Keeping Guidance – Requesting Comments Until September 4, 2022
August 03, 2022
One of the most common findings in complaint reviews has been insufficient documentation in medical records. As a result, the WV Board of Veterinary Medicine has created a Medical Record Keeping Guidance.
Click here to review the guidance document.
The Board is requesting stakeholders to review this guidance document and will be accepting comments for the Board’s consideration until September 4, 2022.
Mail: | WV Board of Veterinary Medicine |
Email: brandi.n.legg@wv.gov
DEA Requirements on Schedule II Prescriptions
July 25, 2022
The WV Board of Pharmacy received information that the DEA will no longer permit pharmacists to clarify and/or add the information required to a controlled substance prescription to make the script valid and that the RX must be reissued. In an effort to prevent impact on patient care, the WV Board of Pharmacy has prepared this memo to inform prescribers of the federal requirements and this apparent change in policy.